christoph-schaeffer / dhl-business-shipping

An unofficial library for the DHL business shipping soap API (Version 3.3) and the dhl shipment tracking rest API written in PHP.
MIT License
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api composer composer-package dhl php rest shipment shipping shipping-api soap tracking

DHL business shipping

An unofficial library for the DHL business shipping soap API (Version 3.3) written in PHP.

api version api version PHP version Build Status Coverage License


This library provides access to functions provided by the official dhl business shipping soap api in an object oriented way.

Since version 3.2 this library also includes the DHL shipment tracking api to obtain tracking data of sent shipments.

These functions are:

Additional functions this library provides:

Since version 3.2 this library also includes the DHL shipment tracking api to obtain tracking data of sent shipments.

This introduced the following new features:

Getting started

Technical Requirements

Create a shipping client credentials object and fill it with your credentials.

use ChristophSchaeffer\Dhl\BusinessShipping\Credentials\ShippingClientCredentials; // Autoload the ShippingClientCredentials class

$shippingClientCredentials = new ShippingClientCredentials(
    'appID',        // In sandbox mode this is your developer ID.
    'apiToken',     // In sandbox mode this is your developer account password.
    'login',        // DHL business customer account name. This is optional and defaults to 2222222222_01 (sandbox)
    'password',     // DHL business customer password. This is optional and defaults to pass (sandbox)

Create a tracking client credentials object and fill it with your credentials.

use ChristophSchaeffer\Dhl\BusinessShipping\Credentials\TrackingClientCredentials; // Autoload the TrackingClientCredentials class

$trackingClientCredentials = new TrackingClientCredentials(
    'appID',        // In sandbox mode this is your developer ID.
    'apiToken',     // In sandbox mode this is your developer account password.
    'ztToken',      // DHL business customer ZT Token. This is optional and defaults to zt12345 (sandbox)
    'password',     // DHL business customer ZT Token password. This is optional and defaults to geheim (sandbox)

Create a client object and fill it with your credentials.

use ChristophSchaeffer\Dhl\BusinessShipping\MultiClient; // Autoload the MultiClient class

$client = new MultiClient(
    TRUE,                              // isSandbox
    MultiClient::LANGUAGE_LOCALE_ENGLISH_GB // Set the status message language to english(default is german).

Usage for the shipping api (shipment label creation)

The following is a simple example usage of the createShipmentOrder function. However please keep in mind that there is a lot of additional functionality. For more details or examples of other functions please read the documentation.

Create a new shipment order for each shipment you want to send.

$shipmentOrder = new \ChristophSchaeffer\Dhl\BusinessShipping\Resource\ShipmentOrder();

Set the shipment details.

$shipmentOrder->Shipment->ShipmentDetails->product = 'V01PAK'; // V01PAK = National package
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->ShipmentDetails->accountNumber = '22222222220101'; // DHL bussiness customer account number
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->ShipmentDetails->ShipmentItem->weightInKG = 1.2; // The weight including packaging
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->ShipmentDetails->shipmentDate = '2020-12-08'; // The shipping date. Must not be in the past

Set the shippers address in case the shipment can't be delivered it will be returned to that address.

$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Shipper->Name->name1 = 'DHL Paket GmbH';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Shipper->Address->streetName = 'Sträßchensweg';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Shipper->Address->streetNumber = '10';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Shipper->Address->zip = '53113';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Shipper->Address->city = 'Bonn';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Shipper->Address->Origin->countryISOCode = 'DE';

Set the receivers address.

$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Receiver->name1 = 'DHL Paket GmbH';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Receiver->Address->streetName = 'Charles-de-Gaulle-Str.';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Receiver->Address->streetNumber = '20';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Receiver->Address->zip = '53113';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Receiver->Address->city = 'Bonn';
$shipmentOrder->Shipment->Receiver->Address->Origin->countryISOCode = 'DE';

Add up to 30 shipment orders into an array.

$shipmentOrders = [$shipmentOrder]; // It is possible to send up to 30 shipment orders in one request.

Set up the request object, call the createShipmentOrder function and get its response.

$request = new \ChristophSchaeffer\Dhl\BusinessShipping\Request\Shipping\createShipmentOrder($shipmentOrders);
$response = $client->createShipmentOrder($request);

To check if the request was successful use the hasNoErrors function. If the request itself or any of the creation state objects have errors you can display their messages.

if($response->hasNoErrors()): // checks if any error status messages have been returned.
    echo 'Success!';
    foreach($response->CreationStates as $creationState):
        echo 'shipment number: '. $creationState->shipmentNumber;
        echo 'shipment label url:'.$creationState->LabelData->labelUrl; // When the label response type is url
        echo 'shipment label data:'.$creationState->LabelData->labelData; // When the label response type is base64 or ZPL2
    echo 'An error occured!\n';

    foreach($response->Status as $status): // echo all response status messages.
        echo '\n- '.$status->message;

    foreach($response->CreationStates as $creationState): // There will be a creation state for each shipment order.
        foreach($creationState->LabelData->Status as $status): // echo all creation state status messages .
            echo '\n-- '.$status->message;

Usage for the tracking api

The following is an example of the getPieceDetail function. If you only track shipments you have sent yourself this is the best function to use, because it contains all data getPiece and getPieceEvents will return in one request. However, this request only works with shipment numbers of shipments you have sent with the same business customer account you are using the zt token of.

Set up the request object, call the getPieceDetail function and get its response.

$request = new \ChristophSchaeffer\Dhl\BusinessShipping\Request\Tracking\getPieceDetail();
$request->pieceCode = '00340434161094027318';
$response = $client->getPieceDetail($request);

To check if the request was successful use the hasNoErrors function. If the request itself or any child object does not have the status code "0", which is = success, this will return false.

if($response->hasNoErrors()): // checks if any error status messages have been returned.
    echo 'Success!';
    echo 'An error occured!\n';
    echo $response->error;   // this is the string error message submitted by dhl

If you want to track shipments that you have not sent yourself you can use the getStatusForPublicUser function. This function contains less data, but works with all shipment numbers. You can also request more than one shipment number.

Please also keep in mind, that for some reason DHL decided to disable this function in sandbox mode. So you need to use production mode to test it.

Set up the pieces you want to request

$piece1 = new PieceData(); // create the first Piece you want to request
$piece1->pieceCode = '00340435091628083543'; // set the shipment number

$piece2 = new PieceData(); // create the second Piece you want to request
$piece2->pieceCode = '00340435091628083544'; // set the shipment number

$pieces = [$piece1, $piece2]; // combine both pieces into an array

Set up the request object, call the getStatusForPublicUser function and get its response.

$request = new \ChristophSchaeffer\Dhl\BusinessShipping\Request\Tracking\getStatusForPublicUser($pieces);
$response = $client->getStatusForPublicUser($request);

To check if the request was successful use the hasNoErrors function. If the request itself or any child object does not have the status code "0", which is = success, this will return false.

if($response->hasNoErrors()): // checks if any error status messages have been returned.
    echo 'Success!';

    foreach($response->pieceStatusPublicList as $pieceStatusPublic):
    if(!$pieceStatusPublic->hasNoErrors()) {
        echo 'An error occured with the shipment number'.$pieceStatusPublic->pieceCode.'\n';
        echo $pieceStatusPublic->pieceStatusDesc.'\n';
    echo 'An error occured!\n';
    echo $response->error.'\n';   // this is the string error message submitted by dhl




This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please read the LICENSE file for details.