christopher-l / space-bar

GNOME Shell extension that shows workspaces buttons in top panel
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Feature Request: Font Size #11

Closed iworkinpixels closed 10 months ago

iworkinpixels commented 11 months ago

I used a Nerd Font to create icons of my workspaces for the labels, but that means that If I want the icons to match the size of the rest of the icons in my topbar I need to be able to customize the font size for this extension.

Could you add another textbox or dropdown on the appearance screen to allow me to do so?

Thank you.

31KM commented 11 months ago

Could you explain how you changed the font for Space Bar?

iworkinpixels commented 11 months ago

In Gnome Tweaks, I set all the fonts to a NerdFont (MesloLGS NF), thus enabling me to set my workspace names to the appropriate icons, like so:

Screenshot from 2023-07-14 16-59-51

Everything's great except that I can't change the font size, since I need to change it relative to the font size for the rest of the topbar.

iworkinpixels commented 11 months ago

UPDATE: I did figure out a fix that does work, although it's inelegant...

Since I have only one thing in the center panel, I can just edit my gnome shell theme and set the following:

#panelCenter {
    font-size: 18px;

That having been said, a lot of people aren't going to have it isolated like that and so the feature would still be useful.

christopher-l commented 11 months ago

Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback!

I implemented an option for choosing the font size. It is included in the upcoming release (v20).