christopher-l / space-bar

GNOME Shell extension that shows workspaces buttons in top panel
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Space Bar

GNOME Shell extension that replaces the top-panel workspace indicator with an i3-like workspaces bar.

On GNOME Extensions:

Originally a fork of the extension Workspaces Bar by fthx, this extension grew into a more comprehensive set of features to support a workspace-based workflow.



The source code of this extension is written in TypeScript. The following command will build the extension and package it to a zip file.



The following command will build the extension and install it locally.

./scripts/ -i

Generate types

For development with TypeScript, you can get type support in IDEs like VSCode by building and installing type information for used libraries. Generating types is optional and not required for building the extension. (For that, we use a different configuration that stubs type information with dummy types.)

To generate types, run

npm install
npm run build:types

Choose "All" and "Yes" for everything.


Run a GNOME shell instance in a window:

dbus-run-session -- gnome-shell --nested --wayland

View logs:

journalctl -f -o cat /usr/bin/gnome-shell

View logs of settings:

journalctl -f -o cat /usr/bin/gjs