christopher-l / space-bar

GNOME Shell extension that shows workspaces buttons in top panel
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Feature Request: Move new application's windows to specific workspace #28

Closed HM-Huong closed 3 months ago

HM-Huong commented 7 months ago

Could you create a feature to group several applications into one group? These groups have priority order, when opening an application of a low-priority group, it will be in the workspace after the higher-priority group. For example, I have:

and the priority order of the groups is: group 1 > group 2 > group 3

I know it's a complicated feature, but I couldn't find any extension that does this.

I really hope you'll add this feature. Sincerely thank you!

SebTM commented 7 months ago

This already exists as separate extension: which is part of the gnome-shell-extensions

HM-Huong commented 7 months ago

I have tried that extension, but it will create some new empty workspace. For example, if I assign Chrome to workspace 4 and vs code to workspace 1 (and some other app in workspace 2 and 3). Then, for some reason, I only need to open vscode and chrome, it will create 2 new empty workspaces 2 and 3. It will be a bad experience when using the "switch workspaces with scroll wheel" feature.

christopher-l commented 7 months ago

Hi @HM-Huong, thanks for the request!

However, if I understand you correctly, the feature you would like is about moving windows to existing workspaces. This would probably better be implemented in a separate extension since it is a separate feature.

In case this is of any help: you could use the Auto-move-windows extension und disable "Show empty workspaces" in the Space-bar extension. This way, the empty workspaces will be skipped when switching workspaces with the scroll wheel.