christophknabe / spring-ddd-bank

A sample project following Domain Driven Design with Spring Data JPA
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Project Spring DDD Bank

A sample project following Domain Driven Design with Spring Data JPA

                                        (C) Christoph Knabe, 2017-03-17 ... 2022-01-14

In this project I am trying to apply principles of Domain Driven Design. In contrary to more complex DDD examples on the web I am applying here some simplifications. This sample application has been developed for a course on Software Engineering at Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology (Berliner Hochschule für Technik: BHT).

This project uses

Detailed version indications you can find in the file pom.xml.


If the correct JDK and Maven versions are installed you can simply use mvn clean package site This will fetch all necessary libraries, compile the project, collect the exception message texts, execute the test suite, package all into an executable .jar file, and generate the reports and project site. The most interesting report is about Code Coverage.

If you experience problems due to versioning of JDK and Maven, see the chapter about it in document Maven and IDE Integration.

After this is working you can import the Maven project into your Java IDE (Spring Tools may be preferred, see the chapter about IDE Integration in Maven and IDE Integration)

You can run the application (a REST server) in your IDE by running class de.beuth.knabe.spring_ddd_bank.Application as Java Application or on the command line after mvn package by java -jar target/spring-ddd-bank-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

This will start the web server Tomcat with the web application Spring DDD Bank. The latter runs the database Derby in embedded mode for the web application, but also offers network access to the database. In the last lines of the log you will see messages like the following:\ Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http)\ Apache Derby Network Server - (1704137) has been started and is ready to accept connections on port 1527.\ In these messages you can see the port of the web server (8080), and of the Derby database (1527).

You can shutdown it by typing <Ctrl/C>. Killing it in IntelliJ IDEA or Spring Tools by the red icon also stopped it without a visible negative effect.

Which DDD principles are implemented?

Other Characteristics

Where are the exception message texts?

In the file The editable original with some fixed message texts is in src/main/resources/. By Maven phase compile this file is copied to target/classes/. During the following phase process-classes the exception message texts are extracted from the JavaDoc comments of all exceptions under src/main/java/ by the ExceptionMessagesDoclet as configured for the maven-javadoc-plugin. They are appended to the message text file in target/classes/. This process is excluded from m2e lifecycle mapping in the pom.xml.


References and Sources