christyharagan / segment-sloth

Tools to help with developing Segment assets such as Functions
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Segment Sloth

This project currently has two main features:

A package manager that enables easy consumption of Segment functions into your workspace and a development toolkit for easily building Segment functions.

The development toolkit enables development and testing of Segment functions (source and destination) locally and in your choice of TypeScript or JavaScript. Features

Table of Contents

Sloth Package Manager

The sloth package manager (SPM) enables organisations to easily consume functions built by using Segment Sloth.

Function Development Requirements

These are requirements if you intend to build Segment functions using Sloth.

Quick Start

Install the command-line utility:

npm i -g segment-sloth

Create a new folder for your new function

mkdir my-test-function
cd my-test-function

Initalise a new project (and see the Detailed Usage Guide below for details on the init wizard)

sloth init

Edit the settings for your function src/settings.js (for JavaScript), or src/function.ts (for TypeScript).

Edit your function src/function.js (for JavaScript), or src/function.ts (for TypeScript)

Edit your debug test code src/tests/debug.js (for JavaScript), or src/tests/debug.ts (for TypeScript)

Edit your tests src/tests/test.js (for JavaScript), or src/tests/test.ts (for TypeScript)

From within your IDE, launch a new debug session. If using Visual Studio Code, a debug launcher is set-up. Go to Debug and select "Debug Function". You can set break-points in your function code.

Deploy your code to Segment

sloth deploy


Initialise a new project

First create a folder to house your project. Inside that folder run the command:

sloth init

This command has various options. To see details on these, run

sloth init --help

In the root of the folder a file called sloth.yaml is generated. This is where all the settings for the project are saved, and can be edited later. This yaml file can also be used to generate new projects from the same settings (see run sloth init --help for details)

Build your function

The project initialisation creates several files that can be edited:

Only the function and settings files are required and must not be renamed. The other files are optional and are provided only as an example of how to build up useful development assets. You a free to rename them, move them, use different frameworks, etc.

If you chose TypeScript for your language, you will be presented with the option to choose a tracking plan from your workspace from which type definitions for your identify/group/track calls will be strongly typed. If you selected a tracking plan, you can update these typing definitions by running

sloth sync_tp

NPM Dependencies

Your tests and debug launch functions may have any dependencies they require. Just install them as usual.

Your function may have dependencies but there are restrictions. By default several are already installed. These include:

You may install other dependencies but they may not depend on any node package other than crpyto. It's probably safest to assume an npm package that can run in the browser (assuming it doesn't use browser only functions/features) will work.

The easiest way to check is to run

sloth check_deps

If it runs with no errors, you're good to go. Under the covers, it uses Webpack to compile the dependencies into a single deployable unit


IMPORTANT : Names for settings must be in camel case

The settings config file contains two variables:

An example would be:

const RequiredFunctionSettings = {
  apiKey: string,
  password: secret,
  isAwesome: {type: boolean, description: 'A boolean setting'},
  waysInWhichItsAwesome: array,
  aMapSetting: map
const OptionalFunctionSettings = {
  optionalString: string,
  optionalPassword: {type: secret, description: 'A password setting'}

They are both javascript maps. The key for each property will be the setting name (you can use quotes for names with spaces) and the value will be one of

Debug your function

There are three modes for debugging:

If debugging locally, use the debug functionality from within VS Code.

To run the others, from the command line, first launch the debug instance:

sloth debug remote
sloth debug segment

This launches a local AWS-SAM instance that will house your function. If you are developing against TypeScript (and you have nodemon installed), then it will also automatically compile your TypeScript for you, so no re-launches are required.

If you choose to use ngrok on project init and are running the remote option, the above command will also display the public url you can test your function against.

Test your function

Tests are only run locally (unlike debug which supports other modes). By default you can run local tests by running (from the root project folder) for JavaScript and TypeScript:


As mentioned above, tests are done against the code that will be deployed Segment and the test environment is configured to match the Segment environment. However, to be 100% sure your code will run as expected, it is strongly recommended you deploy your code to Segment, and run the functions there as a final test step.

Deploy your function

There are three options here:

Finally, an option to just create a file and deploy manually (good for handing code to clients who don't use Sloth) is to run

sloth deploy --out_file=my_fn_code.js --pretty

(Note: The use of --pretty is optional; it creates human readable code output, BUT module imports cannot be used with this option. If you use module imports, skip this option and you'll have to settle with non-human readable code)