chriswhong / paint-the-town

Collaborative Data Art using NYC tax lots data (MapPLUTO)
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A Collaborative Civic Data Art Project using NYC's MapPLUTO Dataset

Screen Shot 2019-05-11 at 7 50 56 PM


Paint the town shows a map of New York City where users can click the map to "paint" a tax lot using any color they like. Paint actions are stored in a database and updated on all user's maps in real time. Over time, interesting patterns and color schemes will emerge as individual users add color to the part of the map that interests them.


Paint the town is an ember.js frontend and an express.js + postgres/postgis backend. (PEEN Stack? PostgreSQL-Express-Ember-Node)


The express API serves three major functions:


The ember.js app lives in the frontend directory in this repo. Loading the / route redirects to /nyc, as we may want to add more cities to paint in the future. 100% of the app state is in the controller for the /nyc route.


LocalStorage is used to persist the username and 7-color palette, so users can come back to the app without having to re-enter a username and set up custom colors.


The postgreSQL/postgis database has just two tables, mappluto and colors. New paint activity writes a bbl, username, timestamp, and hex color code, which are joined with geometries in pluto to create vector tiles. Some scripts for starting up a postgis database with docker and importing PLUTO are in /scripts


In a new terminal window:


I would LOVE your help on this. Check out the issues, and hit me up on twitter at @chris_whong if you'd like to contribute.