chriswill / DbUpReboot

Library to help update SQL databases to keep them up to in sync with software requirements.
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 5 forks source link

DbUp Reboot

Build (master) .NET
DbUp.Reboot.Core NuGet Badge
DbUp.Reboot.MySql NuGet Badge
DbUp.Reboot.Sqlite NuGet Badge
DbUp.Reboot.SqlServer NuGet Badge
DbUp.Reboot.SynapseDWH NuGet Badge

DbUp Reboot is a fork of the DbUp project that focuses on modern technologies and development approaches.

This library supports netstandard2.0 and the following databases:

For documentation, please see the DbUp documentation page at

The goal with this project is to focus only on the most popular databases and to keep the project up to date with the most recent libraries.

I hope that community members can help out with answering questions in the forums. Pull requests are also encouraged and invited.