chrmoritz / Troxel

WebGL-based voxel viewer and editor
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
58 stars 10 forks source link

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Troxel is a WebGL-based HTML5-WebApp for viewing and editing voxel models with some additional support for Trove specific features. Visit to try it out! You can embed Troxel in your own website too with libTroxel.


How to use



git clone
cd troxel
npm install

Running dev server

npm start

Then open: http://localhost:3000/index.jade

This server will automatically recompile resources after editing them. You only need to reload you page to see your edits live.

Running tests

npm test

Please run this test suite before opening a pull request.

Building a static page

npm run build

The static page will be generated into the dist folder.

Serving the static page via jekyll

npm run serve

The static page will be served by Jekyll (like on GitHub Pages) and grunt will watch for source file changes and automatically recompile these changes and update Jekyll.

Note: You need the github-pages gem installed (gem install github-pages) for this.

Importing Trove's blueprints

Check out troxeljs/trove-blueprints for more information about how to import blueprints.


LibTroxel is a JavaScript library which allows you to embedd voxel models rendered with Troxel into your own website. The project lives now in its own subproject at troxeljs/libtroxel.