This is a modified version of the mavlink to frsky s.port code found here:
It's based on the official 1.3 version.
Lua scripts.
Make sure your transmitter has lua enabled firmware. If you use OpenTX Companion, open Settings->Settings->Radio Profile and make you have lua selected under build options.
Mixer scripts. These scripts need to be activated under the "Custom scripts" page on your transmitter.
ApmTelem: ApmTelem.lua: This script configures A2, A3 and A4 for hdop, roll and pitch. It also exports arming-status as an output. This status can be used to for example control a timer. It also publishes a set of methods that can be used by other scripts.
ApmTextCop.lua: This script needs to be installed as a mixer-script to enable flightmode texts for copter, and enable texts for the copter-related status-texts.
ApmSounds: This script announces (plays a soundfile) the current flightmode reported by the flight controller. Some flightmodes (auto-modes) will be repeated at a given intervall.
Lua telemetry screens:
DisplayApmStatus, telem1.lua: Shows status of different parameters received through mavlink. Some of this parameters are current flightmode, gps status, battery status, current consumption and power usage. It also displays (briefly) any status messages received from ardupilot.
DisplayApmStatus, telem2.lua: Shows a log with received status messages from ardupilot.