chwar / XRUI

Unity Extension for Responsive UI in XR
MIT License
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System Keyboard support? #3

Open kamend opened 3 months ago

kamend commented 3 months ago

Not exactly an issue, but did you manage to get UIToolkit Input Fields working with the System Keyboard?

chwar commented 3 months ago

Hi! Yes, they are working mostly out of the box (at least for Android). I have also been successful with a Meta Quest 2 and a Hololens. Depending on the device and the scenario, you can manipulate the keyboard's behaviour. You can do this with Unity's TouchScreenKeyboard.

Here's an example:

private TextField _username;
private TouchScreenKeyboard _keyboard;

_username = _container.GetXRUIVisualElement<TextField>("username");

// Open keyboard when getting focus
_username.RegisterCallback<FocusInEvent>((e) =>
    _keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("");
    _keyboard.text = String.Empty; = true;

// Close keyboard when losing text field focus 
_username.RegisterCallback<FocusOutEvent>((_) =>
{ = false;

// Update text field with keyboard value
_username.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt =>
    if (_keyboard != null)
        _username.value = _keyboard.text;

Hope this helps :)