ci-labo-omu / MoFGBMLPy

Implementation of MoFGBML (Java) into Python
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evolutionary-algorithms fuzzy fuzzy-logic multiobjective-optimization nsga-ii



This implementation comes with a wrapper for Pittsburgh solutions, so we can use dimension reduction and other functions

Iris with PCA dimension reduction and classification boundaries visualization (NSGA-II)


Confusion matrices for Iris (no PCA and NSGA-II)



Speedup pymoo

Use the compiled version of pymoo to reduce computation time

  1. pip uninstall pymoo
  2. mkdir pymoo
  3. cd pymoo
  4. git clone
  5. cd pymoo
  6. make compile
  7. pip install .
  8. Check if the installation was successful: python -c "from pymoo.util.function_loader import is_compiled;print('Compiled Extensions: ', is_compiled())"

If you don't need to modify the source code

If you don't need to edit the source code of this library you can just use :

pip install git+


  1. Install virtualenv if you don't already have it: python -m pip install virtualenv
  2. Create a virtual environment: python -m venv .venv
  3. Activate this environment: source .venv/bin/activate (or ".venv/Scripts/activate.bat" on Windows)
  4. Install the dependencies: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. python build_ext --inplace



Please read the notebooks in examples/.



usage: [-h] [--cache-size CACHE_SIZE] --experiment-id
                             EXPERIMENT_ID --algorithm-id ALGORITHM_ID
                             [--population-size POPULATION_SIZE]
                             (--terminate-generation TERMINATE_GENERATION | --terminate-evaluation TERMINATE_EVALUATION)
                             [--verbose] [--rand-seed RAND_SEED]
                             [--antecedent-number-do-not-dont-care ANTECEDENT_NUMBER_DO_NOT_DONT_CARE]
                             [--dont-care-rt DONT_CARE_RT]
                             [--initiation-rule-num INITIATION_RULE_NUM]
                             [--max-num-rules MAX_NUM_RULES]
                             [--min-num-rules MIN_NUM_RULES]
                             [--antecedent-factory ANTECEDENT_FACTORY]
                             [--crossover-type CROSSOVER_TYPE]
                             [--hybrid-cross-rt HYBRID_CROSS_RT]
                             [--michigan-ope-rt MICHIGAN_OPE_RT]
                             [--rule-change-rt RULE_CHANGE_RT]
                             [--michigan-cross-rt MICHIGAN_CROSS_RT]
                             [--pittsburgh-cross-rt PITTSBURGH_CROSS_RT]
                             [--objectives OBJECTIVES [OBJECTIVES ...]]
                             [--root-folder ROOT_FOLDER] [--is-multi-label]
                             --train-file TRAIN_FILE --test-file TEST_FILE
                             --data-name DATA_NAME [--gen-plot]
                             [--no-output-files] [--pretty-xml]
                             [--offspring-population-size OFFSPRING_POPULATION_SIZE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cache-size CACHE_SIZE
                        Third argument has been left for test purposes but
                        it's not recommended to use it since the hashing
                        function has collisions. Cache size for fitness values
                        computation. A big cache might deteriorate performance
                        and increase RAM usage
  --experiment-id EXPERIMENT_ID
                        Experiment ID (Used to create the path where results
                        are saved)
  --algorithm-id ALGORITHM_ID
                        Algorithm ID (Used to create the path where results
                        are saved)
  --population-size POPULATION_SIZE
                        Population size (Number of individuals per generation)
  --terminate-generation TERMINATE_GENERATION
                        Set the termination criterion to the number of
                        generation, and set the max value
  --terminate-evaluation TERMINATE_EVALUATION
                        Set the termination criterion to the number of
                        objective function evaluations, and set the max value
  --verbose             If True then display for each generation some
  --rand-seed RAND_SEED
                        The seed for random operations
                        If specified then use the don't care rate for the
                        antecedent factory, otherwise compute it from
                        antecedent num not don't care
  --antecedent-number-do-not-dont-care ANTECEDENT_NUMBER_DO_NOT_DONT_CARE
                        Number of indices that are not 0 (which is don't care)
                        in an antecedent. Used by the antecedent factory
  --dont-care-rt DONT_CARE_RT
                        Don't care probability for antecedent indices in
                        antecedent factory
  --initiation-rule-num INITIATION_RULE_NUM
                        Number of rules in Pittsburgh solutions in the initial
  --max-num-rules MAX_NUM_RULES
                        Maximum number of rules in Pittsburgh solutions
  --min-num-rules MIN_NUM_RULES
                        Minimum number of rules in Pittsburgh solutions
  --antecedent-factory ANTECEDENT_FACTORY
                        Antecedent factory used for fuzzy rule generation. If
                        crossover-type is hybrid then
  --crossover-type CROSSOVER_TYPE
                        Crossover used in the GA algorithm
  --hybrid-cross-rt HYBRID_CROSS_RT
                        Probability that a (hybrid) crossover occurs
  --michigan-ope-rt MICHIGAN_OPE_RT
                        Probability that Michigan mating operators are used
                        instead of a Pittsburgh one
  --rule-change-rt RULE_CHANGE_RT
                        Ratio of the rules that are changed in a Michigan
  --michigan-cross-rt MICHIGAN_CROSS_RT
                        Probability that a Michigan crossover occurs
  --pittsburgh-cross-rt PITTSBURGH_CROSS_RT
                        Probability that a Pittsburgh crossover occurs
  --objectives OBJECTIVES [OBJECTIVES ...]
                        List of the objectives. Accepted values: 'error-rate',
                        'rule-interpretation', 'num-rules', 'total-rule-length
  --root-folder ROOT_FOLDER
                        Path where results are saved
  --is-multi-label      Must be specified if the dataset is a multi label one
                        and not specified otherwise, which is the default
  --train-file TRAIN_FILE
                        Path of the training dataset file
  --test-file TEST_FILE
                        Path of the test dataset file
  --data-name DATA_NAME
                        Dataset name. It's used to create the path where
                        results are saved
  --gen-plot            Generate matplotlib plots
  --no-output-files     Don't save results in files (plots, solutions,
  --pretty-xml          Save results in a pretty XML file (formated with
  --offspring-population-size OFFSPRING_POPULATION_SIZE
                        Number of offsprings generated per generation



Run python MoFGBMLNSGAIIMain (or replace MoFGBMLNSGAIIMain with the method you want to use)


  1. Install gprof2dot
  2. Generate a pstats profiler results file
  3. gprof2dot -f pstats Profile.pstats -o
  4. dot -Tpng -o Profile.png


Requirements (NOT in requirements.txt)

pip install sphinx myst_parser rst2pdf sphinx-mdinclude sphinx_rtd_theme



  1. Generate the rst files from the code: sphinx-apidoc -o docs/source/ src/mofgbmlpy
  2. Generate the documentation from the rst files
    • In HTML: docs/make.bat html
    • In PDF: docs/make.bat pdf
  3. Open the documentation:
    • HTML: Open docs/_build/html/index.html
    • PDF: Open docs/_build/pdf/MoFGBMLPy.pdf