ciampluca / counting_perineuronal_nets

Apache License 2.0
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Counting Perineuronal Nets

PyTorch code for training and evaluating cell counting and localization methodologies. We provide pretrained models for counting perineuronal nets (PNN) and parvalbumin cells (PV) in fluorescence microscopy images.


Getting Started

You'll need:

Installation via conda

This is the suggested installation for Windows users. Install Anaconda or miniconda and then run the following commands.

# create and activate conda environment
conda create -n cpn python=3.8
conda activate cpn

# for CPU-only
pip install torch==1.11.0+cpu torchvision==0.12.0+cpu --extra-index-url

# for GPU-accelerated prediction, run this instead:
# pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 --extra-index-url
# or see for other CUDA versions.

# install other requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

Installation via Docker

We also provide a Dockerfile to build the environment.

Trained models

We provide Localization and Scoring models for PNNs and PVs structures:

Latest (v0.5) v0.3
PNN Localization FRCNN-640 FRCNN-640 | UNet-320
PNN Scoring OR | RL AC | OR | RL
PV Localization FRCNN-640 -
PV Scoring OR | RL -
:exclamation: Ensure you have checked out the correct code version (v0.5 or v0.3) for the model you want to use.

How to do predictions

Download and unzip a localization and a scoring model. Alternatively, you can train your own models (see next section). Then, you can do predictions using the script by passing the extracted run folders and the paths to data to process. E.g.:

# use both localization and scoring models (tip: set a low localization threshold for high-recall localization)
python pnn_v2_fasterrcnn_640/ -r pnn_v2_scoring_rank_learning/ -t 0.0 my_images_*.tiff

# use only the localization model (uses default threshold)
python pnn_v2_fasterrcnn_640/ my_images_*.tiff

# check python -h for more options

Accepted formats for input data are image formats (TIFF, PNG, JPEG, etc.) and the HDF5 format. We assume a sigle 1-channel (bidimensional) image per input file. For HDF5, we assume the image is stored in the /data dataset.

Visualize predictions

We provide a utility script to visualize the predictions of the network on the input images.

# by default, the script looks for input images in the current folder
python localizations.csv

#  if you want to read/write images in folders different from the current one, use:
python --root path/to/input_images_dir/ --output path/to/output_dir/ localizations.csv

# check python -h for all options

How to train

First, you need to download the datasets in the data/ folder (see these instructions). Then you can use the and script to launch training sessions.

Stage 1: Localization Model Training

Train configurations for localization models are specified with Hydra config groups in conf/experiments. You can run a training experiment by passing as argument experiment=<exp_name> to the script, where <exp_name> is the path to a YAML experiment configuration relative to conf/experiments and without the .yaml extension.


Runs files will be produced in the runs folder. Once trained, you can evaluate the trained models on the corresponding test sets using the script. E.g.,

# check python -h for more options
python runs/experiment=perineuronal-nets/detection/fasterrcnn_480/

Metrics and predictions will be saved in the run folder under test_predictions/.

Stage 2: Scoring Model Training

Train configurations for scoring models are specified in conf_score/. You can run a training experiment by passing as argument method=<method_name> to the script, where <method_name> is the path to a YAML configuration relative to conf_score/method and without the .yaml extension (e.g., ordinal_regression).

Scoring models can be trained only on the Perineuronal Nets dataset that contains multi-rater data.


  # train scorer with Agreement Ordinal Regression method
  python method=ordinal_regression seed=87

  # train scorer with Agreement Rank Learning method
  python method=pairwise_balanced seed=67

Runs files will be produced in the runs_score folder. Once trained, you can evaluate the trained models on the corresponding test sets using the script. E.g.,

# check python -h for more options
python runs_score/method=pairwise_balanced,seed=67/

Metrics and predictions will be saved in the run folder under test_predictions/.

Reproducing Experiments