cibernox / ember-cpm

ComputedProperty Macros for Ember
MIT License
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Computed Property Macros for Ember


Version 2.0+ will only work with Ember 2.0+ Version 3.0+ is only tested in the last 2 LTS.


Just run ember install ember-cpm


Just import individual macros from ember-cpm/macros/* or all macros from ember-cpm.

// Import only one macros
import ifNull from "ember-cpm/macros/if-null";
// or alternatively import all the namespace
import EmberCPM from "ember-cpm";


To generate a new computed property macros with ember-cli

// import the macro
import camelizedMacroName from './macros/dasherized-macro-name.js'

var Macros = {
  // allows use via EmberCPM.Macros.camelizedMacroName
  camelizedMacroName: camelizedMacroName,

ember d macro <dasherized-macro-name> will do the reverse of these changes

Provided Macros

Composable Computed Property Macros

Unlike Ember's computed property macros, the macros in this addon are composable. That means you define macros inside other macros without defining them in a separate key.

import Ember from 'ember';
import EmberCPM from 'ember-cpm';

const { Macros: { sum, difference, product } } = EmberCPM;

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  num1: 45,
  num2: 3.5,
  num3: 13.4,
  num4: -2,

  total: sum(
    sum('num1', 'num2', 'num3'),
    difference('num3', 'num2'),
    product(difference('num2', 'num1'), 'num4')