ciceklab / ECOLE

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ECOLE: Learning to call copy number variants on whole exome sequencing data


ECOLE is a deep learning based software that performs CNV call predictions on WES data using read depth sequences.

The manuscript can be found here: ECOLE: Learning to call copy number variants on whole exome sequencing data

The repository with the necessary data and scripts to reproduce the results in the paper can be found here: ECOLE results reproduction

Deep Learning, Copy Number Variation, Whole Exome Sequencing


Berk Mandiracioglu, Furkan Ozden, Gun Kaynar, M. Alper Yilmaz, Can Alkan, A. Ercument Cicek

Questions & comments

[firstauthorname].[firstauthorsurname] [lastauthorsurname]

Table of Contents

Warning: Please note that ECOLE software is completely free for academic usage. However it is licenced for commercial usage. Please first refer to the License section for more info.



For easy requirement handling, you can use ECOLE_environment.yml files to initialize conda environment with requirements installed:

$ conda env create --name ecole_env -f ECOLE_environment.yml
$ conda activate ecole_env

Note that the provided environment yml file is for Linux systems. For MacOS users, the corresponding versions of the packages might need to be changed.


Instructions Manual for ECOLE

Important notice: Please call the script from the scripts directory.

Required Arguments

-m, --model

-bs, --batch_size

-i, --input

-o, --output

-c, --cnv

-n, --normalize

Optional Arguments

-g, --gpu

-v, --version

-Check the version of ECOLE.

-h, --help

-See help page.

Usage Example

Usage of ECOLE is very simple!

Step-0: Install conda package management

$ wget -c
$ bash

Step-1: Set Up your environment.

$ conda env create --name ecole_env -f ECOLE_environment.yml
$ conda activate ecole_env

Step-2: Run the preprocessing script.

$ source

Step-3: Run ECOLE on data obtained in Step-2

$ source

You can change the argument parameters within the script to run it on cpu and/or to obtain merged CNV calls.

Output file of ECOLE

Instructions Manual for Finetuning ECOLE

Important notice: Please call the script from the scripts directory.

Required Arguments

-bs, --batch_size

-i, --input

-o, --output

-n, --normalize

-e, --epochs

-lr, --learning_rate

-lmp, --load_model_path

Optional Arguments

-g, --gpu

-v, --version

-Check the version of ECOLE.

-h, --help

-See help page.

Finetune Example

We provide an ECOLE Finetuning example with WES sample of NA12891 using only chromosome 21. Step-0 and Step-1 are the same as the ECOLE call example.

Step-0: Install conda package management

$ wget -c
$ bash

Step-1: Set Up your environment.

$ conda env create --name ecole_env -f ECOLE_environment.yml
$ conda activate ecole_env

Step-2: Run the preprocessing script for preparing the samples for finetuning.

$ source

Step-3: Start ECOLE Finetuning on data obtained in Step-2

$ source

You can change the argument parameters within the script to run it on cpu.

Output file of ECOLE

