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A codebase for multi-style image captions
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Pretrained Features

  1. Extract Dense captions features(follow the code by
  2. ResNext features (We extract them by following the instructions under, the features we used are mean-pooled image features saved in resnext101_32x48d_wsl/ and spatial feature saved in resnext101_32x48d_wsl_spatial_att/. Note: we do not change the netwrok in dense caption or ResNext network, we just directly use the pretrained network to generate our features for stylish captioning task.


  3. The images we didn't use is the ones cannot be downloaded from, which are ac8*.jpg
  4. I added img_caption.json (this files contains dense captions extracted from the images) into drive:
  5. If there is any I remember later

    Example script for Data Processing

  6. prepare labels
    python scripts/ 
    --input_json data/dataset_person.json 
    --output_json data/personcap_added1.json 
    --output_h5 data/personcap_added1  
    --perssOnehot_h5 data/person_onehot_added1 
    --densecap_h5 data/densecap_added1 
    --personality_path ParlAI/data/personality_captions/personalities.txt

    We convert original personality caption dataset to dataset_person.json based on the format recommended in
    personalities.txt could be downloaded through by

  7. prepare ngrams
    python scripts/ 
    --rm_punc 0 
    --input_json data/dataset_person.json 
    --dict_json data/personcap_added1.json 
    --split val 
    --output_pkl data/person-val

    split above could be changed to test, train or all.

  8. prepare reference for evaluation
    python scripts/ 
    --rm_punc 0 
    --input_json ParlAI/data/personality_captions/dataset_person.json 
    --dict_json data/personcap_added1.json 
    --output_json coco-caption/person_captions4eval_-1.json 
    --gdindex -1

    gdindex and the output_json file name could be changed from (0-4)

    Train the model

    python --id $id \
    --caption_model densepembed \
    --decoder_type LSTM \
    --mean_feats 1 \
    --ctx_drop 1 \
    --label_smoothing 0 \
    --input_json data/personcap_added1.json \
    --input_label_h5 data/personcap_added1_label.h5 \
    --input_fc_dir   data/yfcc_images/resnext101_32x48d_wsl \
    --input_att_dir  data/yfcc_images/resnext101_32x48d_wsl_spatial_att \
    --input_box_dir  data/cocobu_box \
    --perss_onehot_h5  data/person_onehot_added1.h5 \
    --cached_tokens  data/person-train-idxs \
    --seq_per_img 1 \
    --batch_size 128 \
    --seq_per_img 1 \
    --beam_size 1 \
    --learning_rate 5e-4 \
    --num_layers 2 \
    --input_encoding_size 1024 \
    --rnn_size 2048 \
    --att_hid_size 512 \
    --learning_rate_decay_start 0 \
    --scheduled_sampling_start 0 \
    --checkpoint_path log_added_new1/log_$id  \
    $start_from \
    --save_checkpoint_every 3000 \
    --language_eval 1 \
    --val_images_use -1 \
    --max_epochs 30 \
    --scheduled_sampling_increase_every 5 \
    --scheduled_sampling_max_prob 0.5 \
    --learning_rate_decay_every 5 \
## Eval the model

id="densepembed2_added" python --id $id \ --dump_images 0 \ --num_images -1 \ --split test \
--input_json data/personcap_added1.json \ --input_label_h5 data/personcap_added1_label.h5 \ --input_fc_dir data/yfcc_images/resnext101_32x48d_wsl \ --input_att_dir data/yfcc_images/resnext101_32x48d_wsl_spatial_att \ --perss_onehot_h5 data/person_onehot_added1.h5 \ --batch_size 128 \ --seq_per_img 5 \ --beam_size 5 \ --language_eval 1 \ --infos_path log_addednew/log$id/infos_$id-best.pkl \ --model log_addednew/log$id/model-best.pth \
--temperature 1.0

## Large files you could get from us.
Pretrained Model, extracted dense caption and reformated personality caption data could get from here:
# Reference

@inproceedings{johnson2016densecap, title={Densecap: Fully convolutional localization networks for dense captioning}, author={Johnson, Justin and Karpathy, Andrej and Fei-Fei, Li}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition}, pages={4565--4574}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{shuster2019engaging, title={Engaging image captioning via personality}, author={Shuster, Kurt and Humeau, Samuel and Hu, Hexiang and Bordes, Antoine and Weston, Jason}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={12516--12526}, year={2019} } @inproceedings{anderson2018bottom, title={Bottom-up and top-down attention for image captioning and visual question answering}, author={Anderson, Peter and He, Xiaodong and Buehler, Chris and Teney, Damien and Johnson, Mark and Gould, Stephen and Zhang, Lei}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition}, pages={6077--6086}, year={2018} }

# Citation
Cite this paper if you find anything useful or use the code.

@misc{2103.11186, Author = {Chengxi Li and Brent Harrison}, Title = {3M: Multi-style image caption generation using Multi-modality features under Multi-UPDOWN model}, Year = {2021}, Eprint = {arXiv:2103.11186}, }

# Acknowledge 
A lot of code of here are derived from Ruotian's repo