ciena / gNMI-cpp-client

This is code that implements a sample gNMI client, written in C++
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 6 forks source link


To build gRPC & protobuf from source, the following tools are needed:

Following steps needs to be followed to buld Ciena gRPC C++ Client for gRPC stack v1.0.0

1> Clone Ciena gNMI C++ client repository from github using command

git clone

2> Go into client repository directory "gNMI-cpp-client" and then clone gRPC stack v1.0.0 recursively to include third party submodules like boringssl, protobuf etc using the command

cd gNMI-cpp-client
git clone --recurse-submodules -b v1.0.0

3> You may require to patch a few files of gRPC stack, boringssl for making them compatible to your compiler version. For gcc 4.4.6 following files need to be patched.

patch -p0 < ciena.grpc.patch

This will modify the stack to be compatible if needed

4> Build grpc stack

cd grpc

5> Build the ciena C++ gNMI client

cd ../ciena_grpc_client/v1.0.x/cpp