cierrateam / nuxt-parse

A parse nuxtjs plugin
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Parse package for Nuxt.js

CircleCI Cierra GitHub license npm GitHub last commit (branch)

A parse module for Nuxt.js.


$ yarn add nuxt-parse # or npm install

Implement the module in nuxt.config.js:

modules: [
    ['nuxt-parse', {
            appId: YOUR_APP_ID,
            javascriptKey: YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_KEY,
            serverUrl: OPTIONAL_SERVER_URL

You don't have to provide the serverUrl if you're using the back4app service.


To access the parse instance you can use this.$parse anywhere you want to. For example to login you can use:

this.$parse.User.logIn('username', 'password')


To add the middleware to the client you can create a file called middleware/auth.js with the following content:

import Parse from 'parse';
export default function ({redirect}) {
    // If the user is not authenticated
    let currentUser = Parse.User.current();
        return redirect('/register');

Then you're able to use the middleware: 'auth' option in your pages.


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