Welcome to the Air Quality Module!
The second SCHOOL module on the theme of "Water and related-resources"
explores how the water cycle impacts humans and how they are affected
by the changes. The module consists of three use cases that cover
examples of ...... and .... such as .....
Each use case uses a unique dataset to walk users through lessons in
accessing and analyzing data, and further adapting the code to perform
their analyses including data cleaning, processing to subset to an area
of interest, and creating visualizations to share what they have learned
with their communities.
Module 2: Air Quality datasets and use cases cover:
- Enabling Student-led Air Quality and Extreme Temperature Monitoring in New York:
Examining the relationship between two environmental hazards -- hazardous air quality
and temperature -- and socioeconomic characteristics of New York State (NYS) schools.
- Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) Social Determinants of Health, and the EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool:
Exploring social determinants of health within the USA with the SVI; EJScreen is the Environmental justice mapping and screening tool that helps users understand the environmental and demographic characteristics of a specific area.
- Global Gridded Relative Deprivation Index Version 1 (GRDIv1), and the Global (GL) Annual PM2.5 Grids from MODIS, MISR and SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth:
Analyzing the global relationships between socioeconomic vulnerability and particulate matter concentrations over years.
This course was made possible thanks to the work of our NASA Transform to Open Science
(TOPS) team, our SCHOOL Open Science team, open science Subject Matter Experts (SMEs),
and the SCHOOL Development team!