cinkonaap / pixi-dragonbones

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Does it work with Dragonbones 4.x versions? #3

Open damirm opened 8 years ago

damirm commented 8 years ago

Hi! I have some problem with Dragonbones 4.x. The dragonBoy from example works fine. But he built with 2.3 version. I have the same three files: texture.json, texture.png, and skeleton.json. But i see nothing after animation started. Does it work with Dragonbones 4.x versions? Could you explain how to debug this?

acidwav commented 8 years ago

Hi! I have the same issue! The format has changed! Will there be changes in the library?

cinkonaap commented 8 years ago

Hey. Thanks for info ;)

You can run app directory at your localhost, and see what errors occurs. I have a lot of work in my real job right now, but I will have a look and fix problems this weekend.

Anyway, do you use standalone DB application OR Flash Pro DesignPanel?

damirm commented 8 years ago

I have no errors on localhost. It looks like animation in progress, but canvas is empty :-( I use standalone DB application.

acidwav commented 8 years ago

I use standalone application DragonBonesPro ver.4.3.1.

Example from directory of application ...\DragonBonesPro\examples\

For export three files: Dragon.json, texture.json, texture.png

How can I use them?


var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(800, 600, {backgroundColor : 0x1099bb});
var stage = new PIXI.Container();

        {name: 'Dragon', url: 'dragon/Dragon.json'}

function onAssetsLoaded(loader,res)
    skeleton = PIXI.dragonbones.display.Skeleton.makeArmature("Dragon", "Dragon"); // ???
    skeleton.armature.animation.gotoAndPlay("walk", 0.2);

    skeleton.display.x = 360;
    skeleton.display.y = 450;

    var dragonCage = new PIXI.Container();


function animate() {
cinkonaap commented 8 years ago

@acidwav Thanks for code snippet, I will have a look at this asap.

leemp commented 8 years ago

Hi, we're having the same issue with Dragonbones 4.x. did you had a chance to find out the problem? Thanks

dcrockwell commented 8 years ago


06wj commented 8 years ago

@cinkonaap dragonbones 4.x data is not compatible with 2.x,so it doesnot work. I transform official dragonbones 4.0 code to my repo and support PIXI. @dcrockwell @leemp @damirm @acidwav , you can use this.