We use a powerful dialogue discourse parser to obtain the structure for the explicit detachment.
Details for training the parser could be found in https://github.com/shizhouxing/DialogueDiscourseParsing. We have already processed the ERC data in the same formmat with the input of the paser, which is in the folder of erc_data.
With the trained parser, run main_inference.py to get the parsed ERC data.
You can also direcly use the preprocessed features in the following.
You can download the preprocessed features including dataset, extracted utterance feature and dialogue discourse structure we used from: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gMIyK4mXVSvis1f1_DSQsQ 提取码:j84f
or from: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-VzZjNmdZMO9rzzQD-JOt46w53fsBwJc?usp=sharing
and place them into the corresponding folds like emorynlp and meld
You can train the models with the following codes:
For EmoryNLP:
python train_emorynlp.py --hidden_dim 300 --pos
python train_meld.py --hidden_dim 300 --pos --norm