cirry / astro-yi

Astro Theme YI. A simple and lightweight blog theme for Astro.
MIT License
71 stars 22 forks source link

Astro Theme Yi

[English] | [简体中文]


A content-focused Astro blog theme, Yi, in Chinese, it means fast and concise.

🔥 Features


Vercel Deplyment

Deploy with Vercel

Give it a try! Click the button above, and you can deploy with just one click.

👨🏻‍💻 Manual Installation

Recommended for use nodejs >= 18pnpm >= 8

git clone
cd astro-yi
npm install -g pnpm # install pnpm
pnpm i  # installs dependencies
npm run dev # preview, starts local dev server at localhost:4321
npm run build # build your production site to ./dist 

After the packaging is completed, Upload the dist folder to the web server directory.


In the src/const.ts file, you can make some modifications according to your needs.

 * title {string} website title
 * favicon {string} website favicon url
 * description {string} website description
 * author {string} author
 * avatar {string} Avatar used in the profile
 * motto {string} used in the profile
 * url {string} Website link
 * recentBlogSize {number} Number of recent articles displayed in the sidebar
 * archivePageSize {number} Number of articles on archive pages
 * postPageSize {number} Number of articles on blog pages
 * feedPageSize {number} Number of articles on feed pages
 * beian {string} Chinese policy
export const site = {
    title: 'Astro Theme Yi',
    favicon: '/favicon.svg',
    description: 'Welcome to my independent blog website! ',
    author: "xxxxx",
    avatar: '/avatar.png',
    motto: 'Keep moving.',
    url: '',
    recentBlogSize: 5,
    archivePageSize: 25,
    postPageSize: 10,
    feedPageSize: 20,
    beian: ''

 * busuanzi {boolean} Enable Busuanzi Statistics Functionality
 * lang {string} Default website language: English
 * codeFoldingStartLines {number}
export const config = {
  busuanzi: false,
  lang: 'en', // English: en | 简体中文: zh-cn | 繁體中文: zh-Hant
  codeFoldingStartLines: 16, // Need to re-run the project to take effect

 * Navigator
export const categories = [
    name: "Homepage",
    iconClass: "ri-home-4-line",
    href: "/",
    name: "Blog",
    iconClass: "ri-draft-line",
    href: "/blog/1",
    name: "Feed",
    iconClass: "ri-lightbulb-flash-line",
    href: "/feed/1",
    name: "Archive",
    iconClass: "ri-archive-line",
    href: "/archive/1",
    name: "Message",
    iconClass: "ri-chat-1-line",
    href: "/message/",
    name: "Search",
    iconClass: "ri-search-line",
    href: "/search",
    name: "More",
    iconClass: "ri-more-fill",
    href: "javascript:void(0);",
    children: [
        name: 'About',
        iconClass: 'ri-information-line',
        href: '/about',
        name: 'Friends',
        iconClass: 'ri-user-5-line',
        href: '/friends',
        target: '_self', // _self | _blank

 * Personal link address
export const infoLinks = [
    icon: 'ri-telegram-fill',
    name: 'telegram',
    outlink: 'xxxxxxx',
    icon: 'ri-twitter-fill',
    name: 'twitter',
    outlink: 'xxxxxxx',
    icon: 'ri-instagram-fill',
    name: 'instagram',
    outlink: 'xxxxxxx',
    icon: 'ri-github-fill',
    name: 'github',
    outlink: '',
    icon: 'ri-mail-fill',
    name: '',
    outlink: '',
    icon: 'ri-rss-fill',
    name: 'rss',
    outlink: '',

 * Donation feature
 * Please replace the image and paypal link before use.
 * enable {boolean}
 * tip {string}
export const donate = {
  enable: false,
  tip: "Thanks for the coffee !!!☕",
  wechatQRCode: "/WeChatQR.png",
  alipayQRCode: "/AliPayQR.png",
  paypalUrl: "",

 * Friends Links Page
 * name {string}
 * url {string}
 * avatar {string}
 * description {string}
export const friendshipLinks =
      name: "Cirry's Blog",
      url: '',
      avatar: "",
      description: 'frontend development'

 * Comment Feature
 * enable {boolean}
 * type {string} giscus and waline are currently supported.
 * walineConfig.serverUrl {string} server link
 * walineConfig.pageSize {number} number of comments per page. default 10
 * walineConfig.wordLimit {number} Comment word s limit. When a single number is filled in, it 's the maximum number of comment words. No limit when set to 0
 * walineConfig.count {number} recent comment numbers
 * walineConfig.pageview {boolean} display the number of page views and comments of the article
 * walineConfig.reaction {string | string[]} Add emoji interaction function to the article
 * walineConfig.requiredMeta {string[]}  Set required fields, default anonymous
export const comment = {
  enable: false,
  type: 'giscus', // waline | giscus,
    serverUrl: "",
    lang: 'en',
    pageSize: 20,
    wordLimit: '',
    count: 5,
    pageview: true,
    reaction: true,
    requiredMeta: ["nick", "mail"],
    whiteList: ['/message/', '/friends/'],

  // giscus config
  giscusConfig: {
    'data-repo': "xxxxxxx",
    'data-repo-id': "xxxxxx",
    'data-category': "Announcements",
    'data-category-id': "xxxxxxxxx",
    'data-mapping': "pathname",
    'data-strict': "0",
    'data-reactions-enabled': "1",
    'data-emit-metadata': "0",
    'data-input-position': "bottom",
    'data-theme': "light",
    'data-lang': "xxxxxxxxxxx",
    'crossorigin': "anonymous",

Please modify your website configuration, comment system configuration, appreciation function image, personal information links, and of course, you can also modify other configuration content.

Write a blog

With the Yi theme, all you need to do is create a new md document in src/content/blog and you're ready to start writing your blog.

According to Astro's Markdown document standard, each document should have its own frontmatter information and add --- as the beginning and the end of the document's header in md to mark the frontmatter, which gives us a lot of convenience:.

  1. for example, if we want to add tags and categories to a document or top some documents, we can add some attributes to the document in Frontmatter, such as tags, sticky and so on.

  2. For example, to avoid using Chinese as the blog path and file name, we can set title as the title of the md document in Chinese, and the file name in English with - as the word connecting symbol.

In Astro-Yi, You need to set two important properties: title and date, the following is the simplest frontmatter setup for a Md document:

title: Display pictures
date: 2024-03-05

If you feel that this is not quite enough, Yi also provides more properties for you to use, this is a complete example:

title: Display pictures
description: Display pictures
date: 2024-03-05
tags: [astro]
category: astro
sticky: 100  // Document top weight, the larger the number, the greater the weight
slug: poem/ci //  Permanent link to document
mathjax: false // enable formula display
mermaid: false // enable mermaid
draft: false
toc: true
donate: false
comment: false

Write a feed

With the Yi theme, all you need to do is create a new md document in src/content/feed and you're ready to start writing.

feed frontmatter needs to set an important property date, the rest of the attributes are optional.

date: 2024-03-20

Modify icons

All the icons in the blog are using the open source icon library remixicon, you can replace your favorite icons by yourself.


In the astro.config.mjs file in the root directory, it is recommended to modify the site property to correctly generate the site map.

export default defineConfig({
  site: '',// Modify to your own website address
  // ...

Add a line to the path of your sitemap file at the end of the robots.txt file in the public directory.

Sitemap: [blog-url]/sitemap-0.xml
// ps:Sitemap: