cis3296f24 / 01-BestNotes

BestNotes is a simpler and open sourced version of Goodnotes. It allows handwritten and typed notes with real-time collaboration.
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Best Notes

BestNotes is a Python recreation of the app/program GoodNotes, a note-taking application. The user gets to create a digital notebook where they can write down notes for class or personal uses like journaling. Through either drawing by their mouse or a stylus, users can create drawings as well as hand-written notes that they can easily move around by using a select tool. The program will also have a text feature, that allows the user to type their notes, which is easily moveable through the select tool. The notebooks have an autosave feature that saves these notebooks to the user’s devices. This program also has a collaboration feature that allows users to work together on a notebook.


How to run


How to build

BestNotes Project Board

Windows instructions

PyCharm instructions

PDF Instructions for PyCharm: BestNotes PyCharm Run Instructions.pdf

IntelliJ instructions

PDF Instructions: Best Notes Windows Set Up Instructions.pdf

You will need to download python, ideally the latest version. You can download it from the following link:

Mac Instructions

PDF Instructions: Best Notes Mac Set Up Instructions.pdf

For mac, you will need to download the IntelliJ IDE. You can download it from the following link:

You will also need to download python, ideally the latest version. You can download it from the following link:

Also make sure to install VLC media player:

Once that is completed, do the following:

Credits: Contributing on the code from WhiteBoard