cisagov / con-pca-api

API Docker Container for Con-PCA
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Required for install:

This is a Docker skeleton project that can be used to quickly get a new cisagov GitHub Docker project started. This skeleton project contains licensing information, as well as pre-commit hooks and GitHub Actions configurations appropriate for Docker containers and the major languages that we use.


Running with Docker

To run the cisagov/con-pca-api image via Docker:

docker run cisagov/con-pca-api:0.0.1

Running with Docker Compose

  1. Create a docker-compose.yml file similar to the one below to use Docker Compose.

    version: "3.8"
        image: cisagov/con-pca-api:0.0.1
          - type: bind
            source: <your_log_dir>
            target: /var/log
          - ECHO_MESSAGE="Hello from docker compose"
          - target: 8080
            published: 8080
            protocol: tcp
  2. Start the container and detach:

    docker compose up --detach

Using secrets with your container

This container also supports passing sensitive values via Docker secrets. Passing sensitive values like your credentials can be more secure using secrets than using environment variables. See the secrets section below for a table of all supported secret files.

  1. To use secrets, create a quote.txt file containing the values you want set:

    Better lock it in your pocket.
  2. Then add the secret to your docker-compose.yml file:

    version: "3.7"
        file: quote.txt
        image: cisagov/con-pca-api:0.0.1
          - type: bind
            source: <your_log_dir>
            target: /var/log
          - ECHO_MESSAGE="Hello from docker compose"
          - target: 8080
            published: 8080
            protocol: tcp
          - source: quote_txt
            target: quote.txt

Updating your container

Docker Compose

  1. Pull the new image from Docker Hub:

    docker compose pull
  2. Recreate the running container by following the previous instructions:

    docker compose up --detach


  1. Stop the running container:

    docker stop <container_id>
  2. Pull the new image:

    docker pull cisagov/con-pca-api:0.0.1
  3. Recreate and run the container by following the previous instructions.

Image tags

The images of this container are tagged with semantic versions of the underlying con-pca-api project that they containerize. It is recommended that most users use a version tag (e.g. :0.0.1).

Image:tag Description
cisagov/con-pca-api:1.2.3 An exact release version.
cisagov/con-pca-api:1.2 The most recent release matching the major and minor version numbers.
cisagov/con-pca-api:1 The most recent release matching the major version number.
cisagov/con-pca-api:edge The most recent image built from a merge into the develop branch of this repository.
cisagov/con-pca-api:nightly A nightly build of the develop branch of this repository.
cisagov/con-pca-api:latest The most recent release image pushed to a container registry. Pulling an image using the :latest tag should be avoided.

See the tags tab on Docker Hub for a list of all the supported tags.

git clone
cd con-pca-api/
Mount point Purpose
/var/log Log storage


The following ports are exposed by this container:

Port Purpose
5000 Flask API
8000 Click/Opens Tracking
27017 MongoDB
6379 RedisDB

The Docker composition publishes the exposed ports at 5000 and 8000.

Environment variables

All environment defaults can be found in the default environment file. Once copied to the base directory as .env, they will automatically be included in docker-compose.


There are no required environment variables.

Name Purpose Default
FLASK_APP Flask app to use. api.main:app
FLASK_ENV Flask environment. development
FLASK_DEBUG Flask Debug 1
MONGO_URI Mongo connection string mongodb
REDIS_HOST Mongo host. redis
REDIS_PORT Mongo port. 6379
WORKERS # of Gunicorn workers, if 0 if Debug set. 4
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The AWS access key to access AWS services. changeme
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret access key for AWS services. changeme
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION The default AWS region. us-east-1
AWS_COGNITO_ENABLED Whether to enable authentication via Cognito. 0
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD The password to start mongo container with. changeme
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME The username to start mongo container with. changeme
MAILGUN_API_KEY Mailgun private API key for managing sending domains. changeme
EMAIL_MINUTES How often to check for phishing emails to send. 1
TASK_MINUTES How often to check for tasks to run. 1
FAILED_EMAIL_MINUTES How often to check for email events that failed. 1440


Name Purpose
ARCHIVAL_EMAIL_ADDRESS An email address that will be bcc'd on all notification emails the system sends.
AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID The user pool id if using cognito auth.
AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID The client id if using cognito auth.
SES_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN The SES role to assume for sending notifications.
SMTP_FROM The from address for notifications.
MAXMIND_USER_ID User ID for using maxmind database for clicks/opens info.
MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY License key for using maxmind database for clicks/opens info.


Filename Purpose
quote.txt Replaces secret stored in con-pca-api library's package data.

Building from source

Build the image locally using this git repository as the build context:

docker build \
  --build-arg VERSION=0.0.1 \
  --tag cisagov/con-pca-api:0.0.1 \

Cross-platform builds

To create images that are compatible with other platforms, you can use the buildx feature of Docker:

  1. Copy the project to your machine using the Code button above or the command line:

    git clone
    cd con-pca-api
  2. Create the Dockerfile-x file with buildx platform support:

  3. Build the image using buildx:

    docker buildx build \
      --file Dockerfile-x \
      --platform linux/amd64 \
      --build-arg VERSION=0.0.1 \
      --output type=docker \
      --tag cisagov/con-pca-api:0.0.1 .