cita-cloud / consensus_raft

The raft consensus component for CITA Cloud.
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 0 forks source link


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docker build -t citacloud/consensus_raft .


$ consensus -h
consensus 6.7.0
Rivtower Technologies <>

Usage: consensus [COMMAND]

  run   run the service
  help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version



$ consensus run -h
run the service

    consensus run [OPTIONS]

    -c, --config <config>                  the consensus config [default: config.toml]
    -d, --log-dir <log-dir>                the log dir. Overrides the config
    -f, --log-file-name <log-file-name>    the log file name. Overrride the config
    -h, --help                             Print help information
        --stdout                           if specified, log to stdout. Overrides the config


  1. config 微服务配置文件。



    • controller_port 为依赖的controller微服务的gRPC服务监听的端口号。
    • grpc_listen_port 为本微服务gRPC服务监听的端口号。
    • network_port 为依赖的network微服务的gRPC服务监听的端口号。
    • node_addr 为本节点地址文件路径。
  2. log-dir 日志的输出目录。
  3. log-file-name 日志输出的文件名。
  4. --stdout 不传该参数时,日志输出到文件;传递该参数时,日志输出到标准输出。


$ consensus run -c example/config.toml -d . -f consensus.log
$ cat consensus.log
Mar 14 08:32:55.131 INFO controller grpc addr: http://localhost:50004, tag: controller, module: consensus::client:45
Mar 14 08:32:55.131 INFO network grpc addr: http://localhost:50000, tag: network, module: consensus::client:167
Mar 14 08:32:55.131 INFO registering network msg handler..., tag: network, module: consensus::client:191


$ consensus run -c example/config.toml --stdout
Mar 14 08:34:00.124 INFO controller grpc addr: http://localhost:50004, tag: controller, module: consensus::client:45
Mar 14 08:34:00.125 INFO network grpc addr: http://localhost:50000, tag: network, module: consensus::client:167
Mar 14 08:34:00.125 INFO registering network msg handler..., tag: network, module: consensus::client:191


Please check the ConsensusService and Consensus2ControllerService in cita_cloud_proto which defines the service that consensus should implement.

The main workflow for consensus service is as follow:

  1. Get proposal either from the local controller or from other remote consensus peers.
  2. If the proposal comes from peers, ask the local controller to check it first.
  3. Achieve consensus over the given proposal.
  4. Commit the proposal with its proof to the local controller.

The proof, for example, is the nonce for POW consensus, and is empty for non-byzantine consensus like this raft implementation. It will be used later by peers' controller to validate the corresponding block when they sync the missing blocks from others.

To communicate with other peers, you need to:

  1. Implement the NetworkMsgHandlerService which handles the messages from peers.
  2. Register your service to the network by RegisterNetworkMsgHandler, which tells the network to forward the messages you are concerned about.

After all of that, you can send your messages to others by SendMsg or Broadcast provided by the network service.


raft-rs 提供了最核心的 Consensus Module,而其他的组件,包括 LogState MachineTransport,都是需要应用去定制实现。