citrushack / cutiehack2022

Codebase for CutieHack 2022. 600+ Users
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Cutie Hack 2022

Author: Minsoo Kim


Minsoo Kim

Nathan Melwani

Tech Stack

Next JS Vercel Typescript TailwindCSS HTML5 CSS3 MongoDB Firebase ESLint Prettier Figma


Minsoo Kim

image of Minsoo Kim

Hey I'm Minsoo! I'm a software engineer based in California. I like to weightlift or boulder after a long day of coding :) You can connect with me on LinkedIn or my Github.

Final Product


image of desktop view image of desktop view


image of mobile view image of mobile view


Below is a guide for setting up a local environment to run the website locally for development purposes



All OSes

Setting Up Your Local Environment

Run the following commands in a terminal


Forking the repo to work on your own code

Clone the Project

Install Necessary Packages

Run the Development Server

Contributing to the Project

Creating Branches

Committing Changes

Creating Pull Requests

Make a pull request when you have code to merge

Reviewing Pull Requests

Fetching Upstream

Match your repository to the master branch

Assigning Yourself to Issues

Issues are tasks to be done for the project