[ ] Can we add data that CTM publishes for us as authoritative (data that we geopush from MAINT to DM) to hub? Can this data be downloadable?
[ ] Get in touch with PIO about getting a list of all web maps, apps, and PDFs that are embedded or linked to in austintexas.gov/departments/transportation so that we can add them to our hub. Our hub could be the central place where PIO can find these assets. All assets on the city's website should be published by DTS GIS, not individual accounts.
[ ] Look into calendar of events - this can determine editing workflows/qaqc processes depending on upcoming data update cadence
[ ] Internal data vs external data on the hub. Test how the page looks from users logged in vs the public
[ ] How do we organize the data? By division/group? What would be the most user-friendly way of doing this?
Notes from meeting: