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[Feature] Placemaking Program Management Request #10152

Closed atdservicebot closed 2 years ago

atdservicebot commented 2 years ago

Related to #10045


Luke Urie

What application are you using?

Other / Not Sure

Describe the problem.

The importance and need of developing a management methodology through Placemaking is essential to have a user-friendly interface to manage processes, collaborate seamlessly with team members, automate tasks, and track key milestones. This becomes important as placemaking sub-programs are expanding and becoming more complex with limited resources. Additionally, there have been some complications with the current application form and intake process currently in place. The intake form currently places all submissions together, rather than separating each intake application.

Describe the solution you have in mind.

Looking for more information about The Knack and how it may support and track key milestones for the internal and external agencies.

How will we know that our solution is successful?

A user-friendly platform that can be used by internal and external agencies to track key milestones. The ability to track beyond when applications come in, but the need for lengthy community outreach before installation is scheduled.


SMO POC's and outside agencies to manage the application(s).


Smart Mobility Office

Which Strategic Direction 2023 “Mobility” indicators would this new application impact?

['Transportation cost']

Which Austin Strategic Mobility Plan goals would this new application support?

['Placemaking — Build a transportation network that encourages social interaction through quality urban design, and connects users to the many places that make Austin unique.']

Describe any workarounds you currently have in place or alternative solutions you've considered.

It appears that there are a few more platforms that support things like mobile devices can upload information on the spot, or an external intuitive platform may make it simpler for outside users.

Is there anything else we should know?

It would be best to discuss further on Monday, Wednesday, and/or Friday's if availble.

How have other divisions/departments/cities addressed similar challenges?

In other cities and departments within COA, standardized platforms are modified to address more specific program needs.

Requested By Luke U.

Attachment (96.03kb)

Request ID: DTS22-105075

amenity commented 2 years ago

@patrickm02L - this may be "Project" sized, but we could start with an MVP of a simple feature for the Artbox Program.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

Luke emailed me, cc'd Sandra on 8/31

Diana, We talked briefly, but can we arrange a time to discuss managing projects with the Knack platform with you and Patrick M. (who is I believe SMO's POC), and Sandra who runs Artbox here. In addition to application status, I would like to briefly discuss the possibility of setting up additional tools for tracking and milestone support.

Note: We will allocate time before our meeting to discuss in more detail needs within the Miro account we briefly discussed a few weeks ago. Also, I sent in a request with similar information to: []

patrickm02L commented 2 years ago

09/12/22 Filled out the Meeting Intake Template with notes

patrickm02L commented 2 years ago

Builder huddle scheduled for 9/15/22.

patrickm02L commented 2 years ago

Project Evaluation completed - search Placemaking Program

patrickm02L commented 2 years ago

Considering this SR to have served it's purpose. Other Issues related to this are being collecting in the Placemaking Program epic #10258