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Correlation Analysis for Citation data between fatal and serious injury crashes #10177

Closed atdservicebot closed 1 month ago

atdservicebot commented 1 year ago


Xavier Apostol

What application are you using?

Other / Not Sure

Describe the problem.

We would like to see if there are any correlations between citation data and fatal (K) or serious injury (A) crashes.

Describe the solution you have in mind.

Do some deeper analysis of existing data using some AI techniques that can assist in our understanding of the relationship between citations and KA crashes.

How will we know that our solution is successful?

A report of the analysis is produced with the understanding of the correlation.


Vision Zero Team


Lewis Leff

Which Strategic Direction 2023 “Mobility” indicators would this new application impact?


Which Austin Strategic Mobility Plan goals would this new application support?

['Health & Safety — Protect Austinites by lowering the risk of travel-related injury and promoting public health.']

Describe any workarounds you currently have in place or alternative solutions you've considered.

N/A I did do some historical analysis to see numbers over time, but nothing substantial. The file (GIS Analysis.xlsx) can be found here: G:\ATD\ACTIVE TRANS\Vision Zero\Data\VZ Xavier Backup\Data Files\Muni Data Analysis

Is there anything else we should know?


How have other divisions/departments/cities addressed similar challenges?


Requested By Xavier A.

Request ID: DTS22-105115

Charlie-Henry commented 1 year ago

Xavier A. has 2015-2022 data and will share with me

Charlie-Henry commented 1 year ago

I've geocoded about 95% of the records that Xavier provided. Will set up another follow up with him to go over what to do next.

patrickm02L commented 1 year ago

In Dev Planning 11/30/22, John mentioned looking at speed data. DSDD. Ask Xavier if he knows where to find this.

patrickm02L commented 1 year ago

01/05/23, VZ Sprint Review

Charlie-Henry commented 1 year ago


Citation correlation analysis: key research question - is there any relationship with totals of serious injuries + fatalities and the totals of speeding citations per year? Look into just ASMP level 3, 4, 5 as that would be most relevant.

Will add ASMP street level to this analysis and try to look at time of day + day of week effects.

johnclary commented 1 month ago

@Charlie-Henry i assume this work has completed but let me know if not 👍