cityofaustin / atd-data-tech

Austin Transportation Data & Technology Services
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City Data Hub Migration - ATD Datasets #10330

Closed KaroEngstrom closed 1 year ago

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

Quick Overview

The City is adding an Enterprise Data Platform solution, called the City Data Hub, as an internal hub for data sharing. This includes datasets currently on the Open Data Portal, which will need to be migrated to the new environment. DTS is particularly concerned about the migration of existing scripts working between the ODP and our various other solutions like Knack.

Project Info from CTM

TIMELINE: image.png

Answers so far from CTM (Janette M.) Your team will still be able to use the Socrata Open Data API. Both the Open Data Portal and City Data Hub sites will be on the same system architecture. Data can be federated from the City Data Hub site to the Open Data Portal. Here is the link to Tyler Technologies' developer page: Socrata Developers | Socrata, and the link to their Knowledge Base: Data & Insights Client Center ( The City Data Hub will be an open data management platform (not an application development platform) for internal collaboration with data. That is to say there won't be independent development/staging/prod environments for custom programming efforts. The Data Hub will be launched in March 2023 after activities are complete: training, user onboarding, migration, UAT . The vendor will be leading the data automations phase for identification and transference of the various custom ETL connections. This will begin during the migration phase in January 2023. The Open Data team doesn't support the API or custom data automations for departments. But your team will get assistance from Tyler Technologies at that time. To get ahead of it, I suggest that your team creates an inventory of all the different connections that you want re-established. This will help you when you begin to work with the vendor on reconnecting everything.

@johnclary questions:

@KaroEngstrom is communicating with CTM as the Open Data Liaison working on the metadata cleanup (last quarter of 2022), and will pass on to the dev team any info that may come up in those interactions.

cc: @frankhereford | @amenity

T 10/11/22

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

M 10/31/22

Question - Can you clarify for me if the City Data Hub fully replaces the previous Open Data Portal, or will data go through the City Data Hub and into the ODP instance? I’ve had a lot of concerns raised by our internal users who draw data from the ODP for their PowerBI dashboards. Will they have to reconnect and possibly rebuild those dashboards?

Answer: The City Data Hub will be the new site employees will use to manage their open data instead of the Open Data Portal. However, the ODP is not going away because it is for the community to access the City's data. Employees will be able to decide whether or not to federate data from the internal City Data Hub site to the external-facing ODP.

During the user training/migration period in Jan./Feb., you will be able to onboard to the new platform during the live education courses. These courses will occur the week before a department cohort's migration. More details about that next phase of the project will be emailed to everyone soon from the vendor's PM (Debbie F.).

Question - To create this inventory of connections in preparation of working with the vendor as you suggest, we have the following questions: Will any of the API behavior or operations change? Will our API access tokens be affected? I realize there won’t be a dedicated staging environment, but will we be able to preview or test the new system before our existing datasets are migrated?

Answer: For your other ETL-based questions, I will forward them on to the vendor's project team to review and write-up responses since they will be leading the ETL re-establishment effort.

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

W 11/2/22 - Notes from Tyler Tech's focus group yesterday on Users and Teams

Slide on the EDP to ODP Structure

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

F 11/4/22 Update - Mondara Maps and Meeting with Vendor

Mondara Maps

[These maps were] published through an automated feature called ESRI Connector which is an admin only setup (uses AGOL as the source). It came up in our "unknown" list (the department metadata field didn't have a dept selected) so I can mark those for your team as not to delete.

[For background], most maps on the site were created using their older technology. And they were published either manually or through the ESRI Connector mentioned above. They did a product-wide upgrade in 2019 so maps created from that point on uses their new map model. It's fairly different where it has a separate table with some additional fields and a map visualization asset to maintain (we're still adjusting and reviewing this map implementation). The issue with migration is that in order to maintain the unique 4x4 ID of the individual map, [vendor] needs to be involved and will rebuild these for us. All maps could technically be rebuilt by staff or our team but then any references to the original 4x4 ID would be lost. Admittedly, I don't know how this transition would affect apps and scripts that reference these and if it will be seamless. That's something [vendor] will need to provide consultation per dept needs.

Planned Meeting with Vendor


KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

Conversation at dev sync 11/10/22


Meeting with Vendor

Scheduled for Friday, November 18, 2022 from 11:00am to 11:30am

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

F 11/18/22 Meeting with Vendor - Notes


Items discussed:

Frank - new open dataset - how will it be pushed now?

Frank - How does automation transfer over from EDP?

Diana - what about fast clip data pushes?

John - Publishing to EDP and then to ODP

John - will access tokens for ETL be affected?

John - all functionality via the API will pretty much say the same?

Frank - Joins

Charlie - private datasets will not be on ODP anymore but are ones we would use for testing; would these now be on EDP?

Frank - staging environment?

John - talking about nearly 50 ETL processes and it's a big ask to test that on the fly; we've been trying to scope this

Diana - what about geospatial connectors?

Chia - move question - actual location of the datasets?

ACTION ITEM: Karo will share the training portal link and links to trainings and documentation, especially on joins

dianamartin commented 1 year ago

11/18 - Diana Notes


Karo showed the City Data Hub Migration Map



Authentication to PowerBI

John asked: SOAP will be supported? Yes

Frank’s Q1: Socrata API - pointing to ODP or EDP?

Frank Q2: How will it be moved to ODP to EDP?

4x4s - don’t change

Different end point? Yes

Domain is different - URL changes

EDP federation is real-time, mirrored

2-5 minute updates frequency

SOAP Access tokens, will those be affected? API Tokens or API keys? both

Frank said: he imagines the methods available to the APIs should be the same

John wanted to confirm that API, truncates/modify

Education cohort - education courses and forward more technical documentation

Charlie Q1: Private datasets, not on ODP. We do have private datasets for testing. Making sure we’re not deleting or duplicating records.

Frank Q3: Do you all have/envision a staging environment, to get ahead of everything? or will we have to wait?

Waiting to scope the level of effort

We have URL already, test connection there

Move one of them over and see how it’ll work

Geospatial datasets - EDP to ODP

Chia Q1: moving to?

Debbie, no assets will be on the ODP

Action Items

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

Vendor Documentation and Training Resources


Knowledge Base

Training Session (On Demand)

Data Federation:

dianamartin commented 1 year ago

Post Meeting Notes

Which dataset?

frankhereford commented 1 year ago

👋 @KaroEngstrom - Thanks again for setting up the meeting between us, CTM & TT. I want to check in and see if I can help us take full advantage of that leg-up they offered: testing a dataset's migration beforehand.

We had discussed working with them to get a dataset created, copied or otherwise designated to be the test subject to take through the paces of the upgrade beforehand. I wanted to check in with you to see where that was, and even more, to offer to to help in the effort while we still have some time to do this at our own pace. I was wondering, is there an issue to track that specific testing? Should we create one if not, so we can assign folks with a scoped out task to get that done? I'm very happy to be that person, too! LMK if i can help or if you'd like to discuss this!

Thank you!!

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

M 11/28/22 - Updates and Notes

Migration Day - January 17, 2023


Testing Dataset

dianamartin commented 1 year ago


Apps Team said that the "Dynamic Messaging Signs (DMS)" data set would be a good candidate data set.

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

M 11/28/22

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

Answers to Outstanding Questions from Meeting

CC: @frankhereford @johnclary

KaroEngstrom commented 1 year ago

F 1/13/23 I'm closing this issue. The ETL process is tracked in #11153