Diana showing scheduling for trainings that are required:
Self-led Trainings (2)
Instructor Training (2)
Talked about TK clean up. Eric prefers the clean up in Knack if that's possible so we are going to talk to Tim about using that process.
Dipti's fear is that the time it will take to complete timesheets will take longer. Need to go every day.
Are memo task order mostly for reimbursables or mostly for tracking? It's more to show what initiatives they are working on. Rob would ask sometimes about these initiatives. Decision for how to track will be left up to Director and Executive level.
Up to how management wants to track.
There are task orders from 2013 that have never been used. 4 or 5 years ago, Eric closed out a bunch but might have not seen all of them.
Interviews with the ATD Divisions to conduct research and document functionalities they need in the UKG system