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TCP Upgrade Builder Huddles (PM Notes) #14626

Open TracyLinder opened 10 months ago

TracyLinder commented 10 months ago


Documentation needed only for the build:

Documentation needed to maintain the app:

Builder Methodology

KaroEngstrom commented 10 months ago

TCP Case Management Huddles M 11/13/23 and Th 11/16/23

Things we need in general:




Existing Users - currently w/o an account:

Customer Portal Updates


Specific Scenes and Views:

Next Steps:

TracyLinder commented 9 months ago

Builder Standup Fri 12/1/23

Identify tasks to chew off next week

Mapping the (new/updated) objects


KaroEngstrom commented 9 months ago

Tue 12/5/23

Mapping the TCP case/CSWZ request menu:

@KaroEngstrom to do for Thu:

New menu (in the prep area for case mgmt; not live to users): image

Assigning the case (request) and adding notes functions are now at the top of the Edit Case form (in prep only, not live to users): image

KaroEngstrom commented 9 months ago

Thu 12/7/23

Back Office Updates (Chrispin) - moving to

TracyLinder commented 8 months ago

Task Mapping 1/3/2024

Tracy, Karo, Chrispin

Sub-Epic Level

  1. Customer Portal Scaffolding
  2. Application pages and workflow updates
  3. Case specific pages updates
    • Task Board Testing and Refinement
  4. System generated emails (new and updates)
TracyLinder commented 8 months ago

Epic Breakdowns

For @KaroEngstrom and @ChrispinP to work on

SUB-EPIC - Customer Portal Scaffolding

Issue 1: My Projects Customer Display for TCP and CSWZ Projects -

  - 🔷 Need a decision on display options: 
       1. Parallel tabbed pages 
           - pro - seamless toggle, always visible menu on both pages 
           - possible con - tabbed menu visible on each child page (Manage Case/details page); maybe not too distracting
       2. Single page with side-by-side or top-down tables   
           - pro - single page, simple
           - con - managing the visual with lots of cases; side by side view might not work for each display; scrolling down for CSWZ cases could get cumbersome 

  - @KaroEngstrom build quick samples to review Monday ✅ 

Issue 2: Messages Customer Pages and Functionality ◀️ 🧱 Return to this when Reviewer side is set up

 - Send Message option from Manage Project (specific case details) page 
 - View Messages from Manage Project page - automatically connects to that page's case
 - View Messages from Messages hub page - how to connect to a specific case since we do not want allow unassociated messages? 
      -  Messages hub - can only reply to existing message threads 
      - To launch a new message thread, go to Manage Case initiate a case-associated thread
      - Messages associated on the Case level and Send Message button is on the Manage Case page
      - View Customer Actions from Messages hub page - how do messages play together with the new Customer Action object? 
           - Message can create an action but not necessarily  

 - When creating an email, we need a record rule to create a message to replicate the content here in the portal 
      - existing: application confirmation email 
      - new items: all communications out of the portal 

Issue 3: Manage Project page

 - Will there be a need to edit on the project level? 

  - Add Details (different for TCP and CSWZ)
       -  build TCP ✅ 
       -  build CSWZ ✅ 
  - [x] Add Messages table on both TCP and CSWZ side
  - [ ] Add Create New Submission (exact name TBD) both TCP and CSWZ side - enabled or disabled button shown by page rules based on status (not just hiding the button; showing clearly that user cannot submit while the current cycle is under review)
      - [x] Add Submission Type field to the Submission objects in TCP 
      - [x] Add Submission Type field to the Submission objects in CSWZ
      - [x] Add Submission Type to Submissions tables for TCP and CSWZ
      - [x] Add Create Submission button and Form 

Issue 4: Submissions pages -

- Customer will initiate a new submission cycle; has the ability to add content and save it without submitting; ability to submit once submission is complete 

  - @KaroEngstrom - Add Submission Details page from the Submissions table - duplicate from Reviewer side example for now
       - [ ] TCP 
       - [ ] CSWZ  
  - @KaroEngstrom  - Add Submission Edit functionality - allow adding attachments and editing them until submission cycle is Sent 
       - [ ] TCP 
       - [ ] CSWZ  
 - @KaroEngstrom - Add Submission Send button - as an action button from the Submission page and from the Case Details Submissions table 
       - [ ] TCP 
       - [ ] CSWZ  
 - @KaroEngstrom - Add Attachments table
       - [ ] TCP 
       - [ ] CSWZ  

Issue 5: Profile hub page

 - @ChrispinP - Test reset login to see how the password reset works 
KaroEngstrom commented 8 months ago

Notes for Mon 1/8/24

Work Notes


TracyLinder commented 8 months ago

Huddle Mon 1/8/24

TracyLinder commented 8 months ago
KaroEngstrom commented 8 months ago

Wed 1/17/24

SUB-EPIC - Case specific reviewer pages updates

SUB-EPIC - System generated emails (new and updates)

KaroEngstrom commented 7 months ago

SUB-EPIC - Application pages and workflow updates -- new version here

Issue 1: Review and Update Existing New Applications Pages



Issue 2: Scoping User Account System for Initial Submittal 💡

TracyLinder commented 7 months ago

Core Team Sync 1/22/24

TracyLinder commented 7 months ago

Sync Notes 1/30/24

TracyLinder commented 7 months ago

2/8/24 Sync

Our demo is next week Tues 2/13 at 3pm.

Q: What do we need to do to feel prepared?

Question for ROW: For the Begin Review button, should the system look for an 'Assigned To' to be sure it's assigned to somebody before review can begin? Should it override it there already is a person assigned?

KaroEngstrom commented 7 months ago

@TracyLinder - we started this doc in Google Drive to catch questions. If you had one already, we can easily merge.

TracyLinder commented 7 months ago

Prep for Demo 2/12/24

What haven't we built?​

What do we need wire frames for?​

Screenshots of pages for pre-demo expectation setting

TracyLinder commented 6 months ago

Demo Debrief 2/22/24

Rethinking Attachments & Messages?

Cadenced Meetings

  1. Project Reviews (biweekly) - Tracy will schedule
  2. Weekly DTS builder huddle/standup - Mondays at 3:30
  3. Builder Huddle - Friday 2-3pm
TracyLinder commented 6 months ago

DTS Sync

Builders are working on:

TracyLinder commented 6 months ago


KaroEngstrom commented 5 months ago

Notes for Monday 4/1/24 - things to cover in Sprint Review

KaroEngstrom commented 5 months ago

New Issues Created 4/3/24

For Sprint 4/17 ➡️ LATER

May / June - launch reviewer side updates

June / July - launch customer portal ❔

KaroEngstrom commented 4 months ago

Mon 5/6/24 DTS Sync

TracyLinder commented 4 months ago

5/14/24 DTS Sync

KaroEngstrom commented 3 months ago

ROW TCP CMU - Tue 5/28/24

Rejecting an account

Organization object (reconciling current Submitting Agency and Applicant Company or City Dept records)