cityofaustin / atd-data-tech

Austin Transportation Data & Technology Services
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Feature: Add an AVL Procedure form to My Forms in Knack HR Portal #16838

Open dianamartin opened 2 months ago

dianamartin commented 2 months ago

Jennifer W. HR

As a TPW Employee I want the ability to sign off on the mandatory AVL Procedure so that I will be in compliance with our new HR policy.

This item was discussed and requested on Mon, 4/15/24. Jennifer asked that we add a new form to the HR Portal so that TPW employees can sign off on the procedure.

dianamartin commented 2 months ago


Did some of the building the on 4/15/24

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dianamartin commented 2 months ago


Made a comparison on the same page when we show it to the stakeholders image

dianamartin commented 2 months ago


Jennifer emailed us the updated language on the "AVL Procedure".

Hey there superstars! OPM is asking if we can give any sort of timeline for the policy acknowledgment in Knack at the Supervisor Meeting next week. Once I get the policy approved by the executive team, do you have an estimate on when we can have it ready in Knack for an acknowledgment?

I replied

Hi Jennifer, We just need you guys to review it. I have the issue with the mock up in there:

There are two ways to have the form:

  • Version 1
  • Version 2 image

Looks like this after it’s submitted. image

I would still need to make an area where the HR staff can review submissions and make the button available under “My Forms” once you give the green light.

Let me know if you have questions.

She replied

Looks great! I like version two with the larger button to show the policy. Will I be able to pull a completion report that contains employee ID number? Also, we will need a way to “download” the acknowledgement for their personnel file.

I asked the executive team to send their comments on the policy by end of day Tuesday next week. After that, I only need Richard’s signature, then we will be ready to roll.

dianamartin commented 2 months ago


Update Features from feedback

dianamartin commented 2 months ago

@ChristinaTremel this is ready to review

stephaniemoorer commented 1 week ago

This looks to be complete. Can it be closed or does it need to be reviewed with HR team at sprint review?

dianamartin commented 1 week ago


We need to circle back with Jennifer, she wasn't ready for this to go live when it was done. I think we need to ask her in our upcoming meeting.