cityofaustin / atd-data-tech

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Bond Spending dashboard upgrades for CIP Finance #17464

Open atdservicebot opened 1 month ago

atdservicebot commented 1 month ago

Describe the problem.

CIP Finance is wanting a Bond data report from MicroStrategy to be automatically updated daily where tables can be created and somewhat controlled by a user (user would be Finance or Project Mgrs). Also wanting a few graphs that would be automatically updated as well.

Describe the solution you have in mind.

We have the MS report already and examples needed - spoke to Charlie Henry and Kate Lunceford. To create drill down tables (like pivots) from data that is updated daily along with a few graphs

How will we know that our solution is successful?

We can work with them to assist in our needs


Finance and Project Managers and Management team


Finance Management

Which Strategic Direction 2023 “Mobility” indicators would this new application impact?


Which Austin Strategic Mobility Plan goals would this new application support?


Describe any workarounds you currently have in place or alternative solutions you've considered.

Running the report ourselves and creating the tables and graphs manually once a week.

Is there anything else we should know?

No timeline

How have other divisions/departments/cities addressed similar challenges?

There are graphs and tables updated daily on bonds that Charlie did for Meredith Q. a couple of years ago. We are looking for something similar yet different.

Requested By Sharon M.

Attachment (1.09mb)

Request ID: DTS24-115005

Charlie-Henry commented 1 month ago

from Sharon:

Sorry about that re MS report - It's under my name/My Reports/ '2016 2018 2020 Bonds - Spent + Planned Spend'. I guess the priority would be the green tabs - Looking at the appropriations, expenses and balances with the simple graphs, please. Thank you

Charlie-Henry commented 1 month ago

This looks pretty straightforward. Lots of pivot tables all based on Sharon's one microstrategy report.

Charlie-Henry commented 1 month ago

First step is handling microstrategy -> power BI ETL using the existing code in atd-bond-reporting

Second step will be recreating the pivot tables & charts in Power BI. Starting with a separate report for now. @katelunceford I think this should be an epic?

Charlie-Henry commented 2 weeks ago

Demo'd the new dashboard to Tim, Rochelle, and Sharon.

Requested changes: