cityofaustin / atd-data-tech

Austin Transportation Data & Technology Services
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ETL: Signal Timing and Phasing Data #1763

Open atdservicebot opened 4 years ago

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

In order to be able to visualize signal timing and phasing data we need to work on the data infrastructure required to make the data public.

This data current lives on the KITS app server database, which is an MSSQL server called KITSDB

Migrated from atd-data-and-performance #305

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From johnclary on 2019-12-12:

Jen has asked us to prioritize this. I'm hoping @sergiogcx or @mddilley has bandwidth mid-january.

cc @amenity

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From amenity on 2020-01-13:

Might apply to

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From amenity on 2020-01-22:

@johnclary @mateoclarke should we tee this up for Sprint 17?

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From johnclary on 2020-01-24:

@amenity i just kicked it to sprint 18.

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From amenity on 2020-02-25:

Sprint 19, @mateoclarke @johnclary ?

atdservicebot commented 4 years ago

From johnclary on 2020-02-25:

I've dropped the milestone from this and put a new dependency in front of it. Will reaching out as this progresses.

johnclary commented 3 years ago

@johnclary turn this into a Project Index