Population Density Info:
Expression used on data to calculate Pop Density:
2589988 * $feature.P0010001 / $feature.ALAND20
Population Density High: 16407.08 - 72430.16 (<15000)
Population Density Medium-High: 10078.1 - 14230.46 (10000-15000)
Population Density Medium: 5009.722 - 9716.801 (5000-10000)
Population Density Low-Medium: 1000.841 - 4980.117 (1000-5000)
Population Density Low: 0.448613 - 991.6354 (>1000)
Total Count data after scoring process has been ran.
Population Density Info: Expression used on data to calculate Pop Density: 2589988 * $feature.P0010001 / $feature.ALAND20
Population Density High: 16407.08 - 72430.16 (<15000) Population Density Medium-High: 10078.1 - 14230.46 (10000-15000) Population Density Medium: 5009.722 - 9716.801 (5000-10000) Population Density Low-Medium: 1000.841 - 4980.117 (1000-5000) Population Density Low: 0.448613 - 991.6354 (>1000)
Total Count data after scoring process has been ran.