TPW would benefit from a Performance Measures Inventory/database. A way for us to track the measures we report on throughout the department, who owns them, where they are reported, etc.
Describe the solution you have in mind.
Perhaps a Knack solution or other database - Fields would include things like measure name, division, reporting frequency, reporting venues, etc. Should be searchable and sortable.
How will we know that our solution is successful?
It functions, is easy to use.
OPM staff + division managers and supervisors.
Paige W
Which Strategic Direction 2023 “Mobility” indicators would this new application impact?
['Transportation cost']
Which Austin Strategic Mobility Plan goals would this new application support?
['Sustainability — Promote integrated designs and quality additions to the built environment while reducing impacts and promoting efficient use of public resources.']
Describe any workarounds you currently have in place or alternative solutions you've considered.
It's a hot mess of tracking right now. This will get more relevant as we begin to stand up the City Strategic Plan measures, TPW KPI tracking, etc.
How have other divisions/departments/cities addressed similar challenges?
PW kept a performance measures inventory but it was just an excel workbook, not very user friendly
TPW would benefit from a Performance Measures Inventory/database. A way for us to track the measures we report on throughout the department, who owns them, where they are reported, etc.
Perhaps a Knack solution or other database - Fields would include things like measure name, division, reporting frequency, reporting venues, etc. Should be searchable and sortable.
It functions, is easy to use.
OPM staff + division managers and supervisors.
Paige W
['Transportation cost']
['Sustainability — Promote integrated designs and quality additions to the built environment while reducing impacts and promoting efficient use of public resources.']
It's a hot mess of tracking right now. This will get more relevant as we begin to stand up the City Strategic Plan measures, TPW KPI tracking, etc.
PW kept a performance measures inventory but it was just an excel workbook, not very user friendly
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Request ID: DTS24-118010