cityofaustin / atd-data-tech

Austin Transportation Data & Technology Services
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Data Request: Finance needs ALL of the TPW Fees in AMANDA with FDU and GL Codes, Fee Names, etc...(SS)(PROD data excel) #19517

Closed atdservicebot closed 1 month ago

atdservicebot commented 1 month ago

What application are you using?


Describe the problem.

Data Request: Finance needs all of the TPW Fees in AMANDA with FDU and GL Codes showing in order to reconcile the Tech Surcharge issue the first week of Oct til the 10th.

Finance is requesting to have a list all of TPW Fees exported in excel so that they can reconcile the 6% Tech Surcharge issue that was happening after Oct 1. The fix was on PROD on the 10th. They would like to have the following show up on the exported:

If possible they would like to have all the bills/Permits that were charged the 6% surcharge (Oct 1- Oct 10) on the data request as well

How soon do you need this?

Soon — Within a week

Requested By Erin W.

Request ID: DTS24-118370

SubhaShroff commented 1 month ago

@Nadin-Nader @TracyLinder Here is the report of the all TPW that were charged with TPW surcharge. TPW Fees added between Oct 1st and 10th.xls

Thank you.

Nadin-Nader commented 1 month ago

data has been provided. closing