We should create a launch checklist for new servers like AWS EC2 for example. The goal is to have a go-to resource to keep access and security measures consistent between different instances. We also discussed creating service accounts so we can access servers without depending on staff.
We should create a launch checklist for new servers like AWS EC2 for example. The goal is to have a go-to resource to keep access and security measures consistent between different instances. We also discussed creating service accounts so we can access servers without depending on staff.
See https://austininnovation.slack.com/archives/CHZE6BC6L/p1732119602930519 and https://app.gitbook.com/o/-LzDQOVGhTudbKRDGpUA/s/-M4Ul-hSBiM-3KkOynqS/dev-team-security-practices#ssh-keys