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Vacated ROW GIS Layer Request - E. Powers #2057

Open jaime-mckeown opened 4 years ago

jaime-mckeown commented 4 years ago

As a ROW Permit Analyst, I need to be able to see vacated ROW in ROWPACT.

Email from Evelyn:

Good afternoon Jamie,

My name is Evelyn Powers and I am a Project Coordinator with Right of Way Management.

I’ve had a few discussions with Public Works and the Office of Real Estate regarding vacated streets and how Right of Way can have access to that data. We envision updating a GIS layer in one of the tools, ROWPACT, we use to reflect which streets have been vacated. ROWPACT is a GIS map which houses all kinds of information (ex: conflicting permits, jurisdiction, TCAD information, and street classification just to name a few). We are interested in the street layer, which shows street classification, being able to display if a street is Vacated/Private. Please see the screen shots below for how we imagine that working.

We would like you to be part of the conversation we have with your counterpart at Office of Real Estate (where the vacated street information is housed), Millicent McDonald. There seems to be some confusion as to whom would facilitate this ask. Our hope is, that by you being part of the conversation, you can bridge some of the gaps we are having, as you will “speak the same language” as them. I don’t think Office of Real Estate is quite understanding our ask since they believe the street layer would be managed by CTM. We are not asking for Office of Real Estate to make the changes, but to provide Public Works (who does manage that layer – Bryan Thompson) the GIS information they would need.

Office of Real Estate (Melissa Torres and Millicent McDonald) also mentioned that GIS has an upcoming enterprise update in the next few years and we could make the change then. Our need is a bit more urgent then that, due to Right of Way having already incorrectly permitted and charged applicants to occupy streets that have been vacated. With this new street classification being added to our arsenal, the margin for error would be significantly decreased.

I appreciate any help or guidance you can offer on this, and if you need any clarification please let me know.

jaime-mckeown commented 4 years ago


Of course, I will help out any way I can. Real Estate is correct that the street segment layer is maintained by CTM (this is the streets layer that is in ROWPACT). Public Works maintains an in-house version of street segments for internal purposes that is related to the main street segment layer that CTM maintains. The street segment layer already has a ROAD_CLASS for Private streets, but after a street is vacated it is removed from the dataset as it is no longer a street.

I will need to do some research to see if data is available for vacated ROW through Development Services.

johnclary commented 4 years ago

@TracyLinder this is an aging ROW request that @jaime-mckeown can help with, but wanted to ask you to get priority on it from ROW. Thanks.

johnclary commented 4 years ago

Backlogging this. @TracyLinder feel free to re-prioritize

jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago

Emailed Jacquie at CTM to find out how her group is notified of vacated ROW for updates to the street segments.

jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago

Emailed Millicent at Real Estate to find out what their process is to notify other departments of street vacations after they are approved.

jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago
jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago

Response from Jacquie:

According to staff:

  1. Vacated streets: a. Addressing will receive the ordinance when they occur and update the street segments and applicable addresses b. If it is the entire roadway, any applicable street segments are deleted c. If it is a portion of the roadway, it is modified both in attributes (segment range) and geometry as needed d. Any addresses that have been orphaned will be reassigned to a new address with access and this will be in coordination with the property owner

  2. ROW data is created as part of the Parcel Fabric – we have a vendor enter this data, it includes: subdivisions, lots, and ROW a. This vender enters in either dedicated or vacated based on what is on the recorded subdivision b. If there has been a vacated ROW, it will come to us as an ordinance, and we will update the data (either in house or through the vendor) c. Sometimes other departments will point out a vacated ROW, and we will correct those

We haven’t received any ordinances for vacated streets or ROWs in quite a while (Sept 2019), so maybe we’ve fallen out of the loop. Do you know of any recent examples?

One other thing to consider with the streets, it may be possible to retrieve some of this data. I was hoping with speak with Marna and John Cook last week about this to identify the proper resources, but it has been postponed to next week due to last week’s weather.

Let me know what other information you need. Thanks!

jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago

Emailed Paloma to see if she can send some examples where this has been a problem.

jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago

Millicent from Real Estate responded that the Land Management Division that handles ROW vacations has moved to DSD.

jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago

Still waiting for Paloma to get back to me, will remind her again. Moving to next Sprint.

jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago

Sent Paloma another reminder about getting examples where they have had problems with ROW Permits where the ROW was vacated. Jacquie would like to be able to see if there are problems with their processes.

jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago

Paloma finally responded to Jacquie:

ROW recently came across to two vacation issues (both related to the pedestrian mall on the Capitol grounds) that you might be able to help us with. Looping Jaime in as well since I originally reached out to her and I know she’d appreciate being kept in the loop.

The first one is the 1700 block of Brazos. In this instance, the ROW was vacated in 1999 so it stands to reason we might not have captured this. The second one is more recent and covers portions of a number of streets that run through the Capitol Complex area. I’ve attached the info I have on these vacations just in case that's helpful. In both instances the vacated ROW is still listed in AMANDA and ROWPACT and there is no indication that the ROW is off limits to us (in terms of permitting).

Once these vacations are captured, it sounds like that would be reflected in the Streets GIS layer. Would the Road Classification portion simply read “Vacated”? Or what might we expect to see as an indication of the changed status?

jaime-mckeown commented 3 years ago

Jacquie back to Paloma:

Also, I’m wondering if the process might be different since it’s on the Capitol grounds. Thoughts?

Addressing has obviously fallen out of the loop on these, do you know how we can get plugged in again?

I’m cc’ing RoxAnne and Dolores as they can correct me if I have misspoken. Thanks!

RoxAnne and Dolores agreed with Jacquie.

TracyLinder commented 1 month ago

Update This is still a need for ROW permitting. We are moving it to the backlog with a medium priority.