cityofaustin / atd-data-tech

Austin Transportation Data & Technology Services
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Feature: Enhanced Corridor Tracking #2669

Closed amenity closed 1 year ago

amenity commented 4 years ago

The Corridor Mobility Program is the development, design, and construction of improvements along key Austin corridors that enhance mobility, safety, and connectivity.

How can we extend and improve AMD Data Tracker functionality to support data analysis and reporting on the program's work?

Related: New activity type for MMC Issues: "MMC Operations"

amenity commented 4 years ago

Brian VdW points out that there is a need to track timelines for bonds as they relate to signal improvements - UPS install and battery replacement; here is a spreadsheet showing how he is currently tracking these.

Battery "Installation Date" was recently been added at the cabinet-level; now we need to ensure that we are collecting that data. @johnclary - please add notes here.

amenity commented 3 years ago

Moped should provide a large chunk of this functionality; will assess what additional support/tools are needed once as that is clarified.