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KnackCon 2019 #388

Closed amenity closed 4 years ago

amenity commented 5 years ago

Yay! @dianamartin and @amenity are attending KnackCon 2019. πŸ€“πŸ€“βœˆοΈ

amenity commented 5 years ago

@johnclary - when you get a chance will you add/amend issues you know off the top of your head and move to backlog? Size, assign, and pull on deck any that need to happen next week please. πŸ™

johnclary commented 5 years ago

@amenity @dianamartin if you haven't already, would you close the loop with Knack folks and let them know what you're thinking for presentation? Happy to provide feedback on an outline.

amenity commented 4 years ago

New builder

Major areas of improvement


Release date TBD πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ


dianamartin commented 4 years ago

Day 1 Conference Notes

Video Testimonial How you used Knack?

Brandon - CEO of Knack The Knack Story

Who is the Knack company? What are they values?

Started in 2012 5k customers 30,000 apps 200 million records 29 Knack folks, 100 remote

Struggling with data, data management Unique to your users

THE WHY? Find your north star - it's you.

Software is providing so much value to customers

THE HOW? Act on principles Control growth without compromise

CULTURE COMES FIRST supportive of working anywhere bring your life to work if you're comfortable humility and humor

CORE SYSTEMS - Graham Pelletieri **Ask about labor & materials reporting widgets

Getting More From Less - Knack panel

KNACK BEST PRACTICES - Danielle Kellog App copies Test data - Spliting data into multiple apps Apps can't share data Number of connections (need only one connections between objects) Extra connections can lead to confusion when building the rest of your app Connection placement 1:M, always want to put it in the child object 1:1/M:M, where you're going to be editing the most (look up field) Special Objects Category object - categories of products Attachment object Add as many files to your objects "Middle Man" objects Orders, Products Split up pages by user role one page for each role Employees and Admin have their own set of pages with different read/write functionality

Single Login Pages Page Rule When User Roles is "Admin" Redirect to page "___"

App Maintenance "Major App Changes" Editing and removing connections Batch updating, deleting records Changing field types Rebuilding views Deleting anything (objects, views, pages, connections)

Rules, Tasks, Logic Record rules: simultaneous Update this record rule

Order of Execution Equations shoud be in order or operation

Display Rules - top to bottom but the bottom rule will override the other rules

Conditional Rules - top to bottom first one that matches it will stop

Tasks Criteria is important for running tasks

Version History object use a separated version history object to capture field changes knowledge base article per object basis

Inactivity - automatically log out after inactivity

Reset password button this is a thing? Securely reset user passwords

2FA: (two factor authentication) - for builder only might be available for users later?

Record History Source: Renderer (made in live app), Builder, Job

Record ID - pull it out in API Get that field, it's in the community

Google Translate - multi-language in Knack application (from Knack attendee)

Automatically create back ups in Knack, custom code


Anything can be integrated Integration Platforms (13) Strengths and Weakness

5 platforms have integrations with Knack

Front end .csv upload into Knack Create records, putting them into the correct object creates QR code in SFTP server Updates Knack of location of QR file

Unconventional Integrations Integrating with Alexa Integrating with smart lights (light changes color based on Knack status) - need to have Zapier html to pdf example of template pdf he shown in this presentation

Barcode scanners (keyboard based barcode) bluetooth based scanners is hard to work with, not recommended


Why are they doing this? More responsive To have resources and processes To rapidly respond to our customers

Modern frameworks Improved coding architecture Testing and stability Usability Iterative approach Separation of concerns

They did this to address technical debt they had before

NEW CHANGES Can see which objects have tasks

Flexible Page Layouts Drag and drop, 3 views side by side No more columns, just fields side by side Previews are better!

new icons, bigger icon menus colors change in real time

NEW- Design Settings Different fonts, different colors- see in real time Can see buttons in preview

Can see notifications in the color templates you choose

Image/File Uploader Drag and drop functionality

Imports drag and drop table into import page enter a new row, update what new row should do

Address to field map has changed

New fields, columns (same interface)

Change Field Type will warn you about the conversion Short text, can easily change it out

Equation Editor Functions and fields equation on the same page Can type in the fields, prompt by writing in field name

Quick Add Users Enable users from the object Can build the user roles right there and then

Rule Numbering!! YESS!! This is amazing, can move the position of the rule

Beta test - send us a note ""

Features included in launch?? Training for new builder? Yes, will be resources for these new changes

Release date? Not set-up yet.

dianamartin commented 4 years ago

Day 2 Conference Notes

Plan More Build Less - Gui Marshal (Fine Mountain Consulting)

  1. Assessment
  2. ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)
  3. Workflows
  4. Build
  5. Test
  6. Deploy
  7. Test again..



Why is this a good ERD? (Lucid Charts) Rectangle Crows feet

From a bad ERD Roles not being used Table not being used

Valuable documentation


Swim lanes

Swim lanes are different user roles (similar to the Finance and Purchasing workflow)



Don't find yourself "Building a bridge over an ocean"

Test against user stories

Showing functionality of his app

Change Log

Custom Scheduler (if public wants to schedule time slots)

Another Scheduler

Use some open source software, started just doing custom bc it was taking them same time to build it

Use wire frames. Live Frame mock-ups? Yes

dianamartin commented 4 years ago

Tips from the Trenches - panel

Discussion Points

Changes being requested mid-stream, how do you manage that?

Jing Project (not supported anymore...)


Future Proof

user roles think down the road Sort Order (newest - oldest) Break down report pages into multiple tables

Formula text fields can drag down performance - be mindful of this

dianamartin commented 4 years ago

Knack Roadmap - Brandon Griggs

What drives the road map?

Knack super power

Tools over outcomes

Broad user base

Customer Research

Jobs to be done

Customer Research

Customer Survey (Knack sends to new customer after 3 months they've become a paid customer)

Feature Requests

Roadmap Inputs

What makes a good request?


Let the data inform


What would happen if you used your own software?

Feature Management app (internal app)

How do we evaluate these?

How they're prioritizing?

Prioritizing - Expanding Impact


dianamartin commented 4 years ago

Knack and Security - Eric Katherman

Areas of Responsibility



Best Practices

API Credentials

Sensitive data and schemas

Workforce Security and Training

2020 and Beyond

On the Horizon

dianamartin commented 4 years ago

Understanding Performance Trade offs - Nic Galluzzo

What you can do to improve your knack performance

Example Order App Have quantity

In orders table

In order items

Cascading updates, creating dependencies Can get pretty hairy when more fields are added

Complexity scoring

Cascading updates - how many cascading fields Get rid of equations

Complexity example went from a 25 to a 7. can ask Knack to see why a form is running slow

Shifting load from knack server instead of putting in report page and making it have all averages

Check can we make: Conditional rule, make it a record rule instead?

Differences if you're filtering your formula

Any other factors submitting a form?

Ex. If form is editing my order, update child record

dianamartin commented 4 years ago


Knack is moving to SQL, from mongoDB

Will imports, batch updates, or batch deletes ever be available for the live app?

someone said, what about: Two stage - batch update and batch update, approval process?

road map: asking about video?

apps for phone or tablets?

new builder responsive?

builder to have a view to separate pages, illusions of separate apps? Folder Structure

text files, plans to expanding word and other formats

attachments on tablet issue

modal pop-up, lose the form when accidentally move off

new builder has details page

Multi-task capability

And/Or filters