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Austin Transportation Data & Technology Services
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Meeting - Shared Mobility Sprint Review #6161

Closed SurbhiBakshi closed 3 years ago

SurbhiBakshi commented 3 years ago

@dianamartin and @johnclary - Please add your notes from this meeting here, thanks!

dianamartin commented 3 years ago

Diana's Notes

30 day permit expiration notification Account Management - SMO responsible

Add New License form

Add New Permit - (associated to license)

Notification email - can set email expiration date within 30 days sent to provider contacts

Payment Amount would be valid would be for full 6 months Email looks awesome! @SurbhiBakshi

Question: There a way to archive old providers? that are no longer operational

When a provider isn't operational, will they still get notification. Shut off notifications to them. Make sure the provider contact is inactive - not be able to log into the application if they're in an inactive status


If non-operational does that mean their license is suspended? Andrea: yes, but the terms suspend operations if they're not in compliance but still in operational in the city. Surbhi: suggestion: Status as "Non-Operational" - status that describes that situation


Q2: When a license is renewed? Do they let zones go

Q3: What changes in permits with expiration of zones?

Q4: Separate license fee that provider pays? Any other fees in fee schedule? $30/ device fee

Q5: Maintaining historical records, renewed. Older records, audit trail

Q6: When a provider account? When would they know they have an account? or only when they have expiration email

John's Questions

JQ1: Permit expiration v. license renewal process?

They set the standards what can be met, not much wiggle room to ask about providers

Certificate of Insurance

Sounds like a Nice to have rather than Must Have

JQ3: Director's rules, the new rules, do you need anything from us?

RFP - Data Manager

Technical MDS - we helped with invoicing side of things

CSR Issues