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Re-work the foreign keys #6233

Closed sergiogcx closed 2 years ago

sergiogcx commented 3 years ago

More than often, we end up being unable to update or deleting records from the database due to our restrictive foreign keys. We need to evaluate what foreign keys need to be cascade and what others need to be kept with a restrictive policy.

Feel free to test using your SQL client on Local or on the Heroku instance, but for Staging and Production please generate a proper migration.

There is no way to simply change the foreign key, they have to be dropped and re-created which is an inexpensive task. For example:

-- Here we need to change the key: moped_project_files_project_id_fkey

-- First we drop it:
alter table moped_project_files drop constraint moped_project_files_project_id_fkey;

-- Then re-create:
alter table moped_project_files
    add constraint moped_project_files_project_id_fkey
        foreign key (project_id) references moped_project
            on update cascade on delete cascade;

We may run into situations such as moped_users_workgroup_id_fkey, where if we delete a workgroup id we may end up deleting all related projects via cascade. We do not want that, for this specific key we would like to the record deletion if the workgroup is deleted, and to update the record if the workgroup is updated.

From the docs:

Restricting and cascading deletes are the two most common options.
- RESTRICT prevents deletion of a referenced row.
- NO ACTION means that if any referencing rows still exist when the constraint is checked, an error is raised; this is the default behavior if you do not specify anything. (The essential difference between these two choices is that NO ACTION allows the check to be deferred until later in the transaction, whereas RESTRICT does not.)
- CASCADE specifies that when a referenced row is deleted, row(s) referencing it should be automatically deleted as well.
- SET NULL causes the referencing column to be left as null when the referenced row is deleted.
- SET DEFAULT causes the referencing column to be left as default when the referenced row is deleted.

This is the current list of constraints we currently have in the database:

constraint_name child_table parent_table const_delete_type const_update_type
moped_proj_features_project_id_fkey moped_proj_features moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_components_component_id_fkey moped_proj_components moped_components NO ACTION NO ACTION
moped_proj_components_project_id_fkey moped_proj_components moped_project NO ACTION NO ACTION
moped_proj_features_components_moped_proj_features_id_fkey moped_proj_features_components moped_proj_features NO ACTION NO ACTION
moped_proj_features_components_moped_proj_component_id_fkey moped_proj_features_components moped_proj_components NO ACTION NO ACTION
moped_subcomponents_component_id_fkey moped_subcomponents moped_components CASCADE CASCADE
moped_proj_components_subcomponents_subcomponent_id_fkey moped_proj_components_subcomponents moped_subcomponents CASCADE CASCADE
moped_proj_components_subcomponents_project_component_id_fkey moped_proj_components_subcomponents moped_proj_components CASCADE CASCADE
moped_fund_sources_funding_source_category_fkey moped_fund_sources moped_fund_source_cat RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_categories_project_id_fkey moped_proj_categories moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_categories_category_name_fkey moped_proj_categories moped_categories RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_communication_project_id_fkey moped_proj_communication moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_dates_project_id_fkey moped_proj_dates moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_entities_project_id_fkey moped_proj_entities moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_fiscal_years_project_id_fkey moped_proj_fiscal_years moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_fiscal_years_fiscal_year_name_fkey moped_proj_fiscal_years moped_city_fiscal_years RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_fund_opp_project_id_fkey moped_proj_fund_opp moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_fund_opp_fund_opp_id_fkey moped_proj_fund_opp moped_fund_opp RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_fund_source_project_id_fkey moped_proj_fund_source moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_fund_source_funding_source_name_fkey moped_proj_fund_source moped_fund_sources RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_fund_source_funding_source_category_fkey moped_proj_fund_source moped_fund_source_cat RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_groups_project_id_fkey moped_proj_groups moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_groups_group_id_fkey moped_proj_groups moped_group RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_location_project_id_fkey moped_proj_location moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_notes_project_id_fkey moped_proj_notes moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_notes_comm_id_fkey moped_proj_notes moped_proj_communication RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_partners_project_id_fkey moped_proj_partners moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_partners_entity_id_fkey moped_proj_partners moped_entity RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_sponsors_project_id_fkey moped_proj_sponsors moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_status_history_project_id_fkey moped_proj_status_history moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_status_notes_project_id_fkey moped_proj_status_notes moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_timeline_project_id_fkey moped_proj_timeline moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_financials_project_id_fkey moped_proj_financials moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_personnel_user_id_fkey moped_proj_personnel moped_users RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_personnel_role_id_fkey moped_proj_personnel moped_project_roles RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_personnel_project_id_fkey moped_proj_personnel moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_project_files_created_by_fkey moped_project_files moped_users NO ACTION NO ACTION
moped_project_files_project_id_fkey moped_project_files moped_project NO ACTION NO ACTION
moped_users_workgroup_id_fkey moped_users moped_workgroup RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_project_milestone_project_id_fkey moped_proj_milestones moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
moped_proj_phases_moped_phases_phase_id_fk moped_proj_phases moped_phases NO ACTION NO ACTION
moped_phase_history_project_id_fkey moped_proj_phases moped_project RESTRICT RESTRICT
sergiogcx commented 3 years ago

This is the query I've been using to find the foreign keys:

       pcon.conname AS constraint_name,
       c.relname as child_table,
       p.relname as parent_table,
               WHEN pcon.confdeltype = 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION'
               WHEN pcon.confdeltype = 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT'
               WHEN pcon.confdeltype = 'c' THEN 'CASCADE'
               WHEN pcon.confdeltype = 'n' THEN 'SET NULL'
               WHEN pcon.confdeltype = 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT'
               ELSE 'n/a'
       ) as const_delete_type,
               WHEN pcon.confupdtype = 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION'
               WHEN pcon.confupdtype = 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT'
               WHEN pcon.confupdtype = 'c' THEN 'CASCADE'
               WHEN pcon.confupdtype = 'n' THEN 'SET NULL'
               WHEN pcon.confupdtype = 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT'
               ELSE 'n/a'
       ) as const_update_type
from pg_constraint as pcon
join pg_class c on c.oid=pcon.conrelid
join pg_class p on p.oid=pcon.confrelid
WHERE conname LIKE 'moped_%'
amenity commented 2 years ago

@zappfyllc - please set up a time to align database approaches with @sergiogcx and @mateoclarke to discuss this and #7036 ...

zappfyllc commented 2 years ago

@zappfyllc will provide a list of unnecessary tables we can delete (I'll check prod, staging, and schema)

We will move forward with foreign keys that are necessary on update CASCADE on delete CASCADE

zappfyllc commented 2 years ago

@sergiogcx Confirmed via prod/staging/SchemaSpy and my initial pass on creating atd_moped, we should be safe to delete the following tables (context is given in parentheses):

Hopefully that helps with cutting down on some of the foreign keys that need reworked. @sergiogcx please don't hesitate to reach out if you run into any foreign keys that you're unsure of whether they follow the CASCADE pattern: happy to talk through it since I know sometimes just saying it aloud helps confirm the right approach on a case-by-case basis.

zappfyllc commented 2 years ago

cc: @sergiogcx I've thought about this issue and reread your initial post, which I think I misread. I agree that CASCADE is the much more dangerous setting but that RESTRICT can be frustrating to developers in some cases.

Let's examine the main use cases for DELETE here:

zappfyllc commented 2 years ago

@sergiogcx @mateoclarke

I am very open to taking on this task in a future sprint (just not the next one) as I'm comfortable with SQL and should be able to sort this out. If there are any pressing foreign keys to deal with though (for example, to make sure the example @sergiogcx gave up in the description doesn't happen where deleting a workgroup accidentally cascades deleting the rest of the projects), could you take a look sooner and potentially fix those? We can probably just target the foreign keys that currently CASCADE.

@sergiogcx you gave plenty of examples here that I feel really comfortable taking a first pass on this the following sprint so thank you. Would love to take this tedious work off your plate. Will just want your thorough review on the eventual PR.

Let me know what you both think. I will definitely resize this to a 5 though because it's a lot of foreign keys and relationships to consider so it's going to take some time to think through it (actual code should be the easiest part since it's a lot of repetition).

amenity commented 2 years ago

@zappfyllc - I let @sergiogcx know that you were hoping to get this started the second week of this sprint.

johnclary commented 2 years ago

@zappfyllc @sergiogcx thanks for your research on this. i'm inclined to set this as a blocker to #7775, since the most likely issues with the migration will be situations where we want to delete projects and try again.

i am fine with using set null on relationship tables where it makes life easier. and i'm all for entirely deleting tables which are not implemented in the UI.

thanks @zappfyllc for offering to do this. i will defer to @sergiogcx on the code review, but if you have time in the next two weeks to open a PR, please do!

cc @amenity

zappfyllc commented 2 years ago

@johnclary will do, I'll open up a PR this week.