cityofaustin / atd-data-tech

Austin Transportation Data & Technology Services
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Project: Data & Performance Hub v2.0 #6482

Closed johnclary closed 1 year ago

johnclary commented 3 years ago

The Data & Performance Hub is currently a mix of Jekyll, poorly-written ES5, and React. We need to migrate the entire site to 100% React + Nextjs so that we can continue to add new features and more easily maintain it.


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amenity commented 2 years ago

@johnclary is going to schedule a meeting next week for us to review and scope outstanding work, @dianamartin.

johnclary commented 2 years ago

Notes from today's convo.

AA and MC will discuss and decide how to prioritize.

amenity commented 2 years ago

Summary of today's discussion w/ @dianamartin @mateoclarke @johnclary and @amenity.

High-level product purpose

Our team is not resourced to maintain the department's external website content — data and data visualization are our domains. So our custom code should be limited to the production, management, and presentation of of ATD's data.

That said, when we empower staff to create and manage high-quality open data only to have that data difficult to find online, there's no organizational incentive to maintain the data well and it's inaccessible to the public. Regrettably, the current site has significant usability shortcomings and we have little confidence that it will be improved any time soon. In fact, much of ATD's most important public-facing web content is served through ESRI Storymaps—Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, Vision Zero's "Safe for All", Shared Streets Pilot Program—or Socrata Stories—Corridor Mobility Program.

@amenity / @john update this project index description to reflect our strategic decision to focus the Data and Performance Hub as a comprehensive index of all ATD's disparate data/reports. Potentially including robust search down the line. Limiting fully custom visualizations to those that can't be served by PowerBI, Socrata, or ESRI — e.g. the Traffic Cameras map.

amenity commented 2 years ago

@johnclary is working on this. @dianamartin @mateoclarke @patrickm02L and I are providing feedback.

amenity commented 2 years ago

For reference, here's our dicussion from 8/30 sprint review with AMD:

amenity commented 2 years ago

@johnclary - any updates to this epic before our sprint review with AMD next Tuesday?

amenity commented 1 year ago

Calling this project complete. Amazing work, @johnclary 🙏🏻 📉 🌐 💙