We were hoping that you could give us one more stat related to the AAA Network.
• The population within the City of Austin that is within ½ mile of the AAA network envisioned in 2014 (This would be all features in the “Interim Mobility Projects Facility - Publish Feature Layer” where the attribute field AAA Bicycle Network = CouncilAdopted2014 regardless of project phase/status)
This will allow us to compare the current buildout with the full network buildout envisioned in the 2014 Bicycle Plan.
Interim Mobility Projects Facility - Publish Feature Layer: copy to FGDB, definition query where AAABicycleNetwork = CouncilAdopted2014
Buffer above layer 1/2 mile dissolving buffer to create Interim Mobility Projects Council Adopted 2014 half mile buffer
Select by Location on Census Blockgroups 2010 join ACS 5YR 2019 B01003 where it intersects with Interim Mobility Projects Council Adopted 2014 half mile buffer, create new layer called Blockgroups intersect IMP CA 2014 half mile buffer
Select by Location on Blockgroups intersect IMP CA 2014 half mile buffer where it intersects with COA FP to create Blockgroups intersect IMP CA 2014 half mile buffer intersect COA FP
Create a Select version of Blockgroups intersect IMP CA 2014 half mile buffer intersect COA FP to delete block groups where less than half the population is not in COA FP / buffer area
Get population from final layer, right click Estimate Total, then Statistics, sum is included in Chart.
From Nathan: