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SIF IT Project Meetings #7689

Closed TracyLinder closed 1 year ago

TracyLinder commented 3 years ago

All SIF-IT meeting notes.

Meeting Info

Resources / Links

TracyLinder commented 3 years ago


Discussing: The city manager will keep financial records for street impact fees showing the source and disbursement of all street impact fees collected in or expended from each service area.

Q: How much do I need to consider E-CAPRI in this conversation/solution?

Tracy: Should phase 1 of this project include the disbursement portion of this ordinance/requirements?

Dan: We don't think we'll have enough SIF money to complete a project until 2024.

SIF Eligible projects have to be approved by council. Dan asked Cole where this project data lives (it currently populates the SIF map).

Meredith: These accounts will need to be reconciled regularly, and who will do that? It should probably be finance. The data will need to be in whatever format they need so they can do reconciliation.

Averages of permits currently (monthly; not accurate representation of SIF workload):


Tracy: Can we add a summary field 'SIF Eligible?' to MOPED? (Amenity said yes) Dan said we should be careful with the implications; just because it's eligible doesn't mean they'll get any funding. Certain criteria needs to be met.

Dan: I want MOPED users to be able to find out that there are SIF monies available for their improvement.

TracyLinder commented 3 years ago


Q: Will there be any SIF specific intake forms?

Q: What can happen between assessment & invoicing that would change the SIF amount?

Q: Do we need to keep a record of what changed between pre & post assessments?

Q: What is an offset agreement?

Q: What is an allocation agreement?

Q: Will ALL of the SIF cases have an associated PR folder?

Q: Should we charge the SIF fee on PR or BP?

Q: Should we prevent PR approval if the SIF fee isn't paid?



TracyLinder commented 3 years ago




Q: Does a Single family development (one lot) trigger a SIF?

Q: What are the Offset Agreement Types?

Q: Should we create a SIF folder for each building/structure?

SIF Fee Logic

  1. Calculate total SIF without waivers
  2. Calculate total SIF reduction percentage
  3. Reduce total SIF by the reduction percentage (Reduced SIF cost)
  4. Calculate total Offset/allocation agreement amount
  5. Reduce the Reduced SIF (#3) by the Offset agreement amount
TracyLinder commented 3 years ago







TracyLinder commented 3 years ago

12/1/21 Notes

SP Workflow

Final Plat

E-Capri w/ Peggy


TracyLinder commented 3 years ago

Mtg w/ Maria & Roderick from DSD on 12/2


I can learn more about the PR folder from Makenzie O'neil (commercial) and Chris Hubbard (residential).

Stand-alone building permits are very rare. They're usually for emergency repair permits on existing structures. We do not believe there will be any stand-alone BP that requires SIF.

PR folders will not generate child permitting folders when there are outstanding fees on the PR.

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

12/6 Monday Meeting

Q: Should we limit who is allowed to pay the SIF fee? Does it matter?

Q: Should we create a SIF folder for each building/structure?

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

12/9/21 Team Meeting




Codified reporting requirements

Q: Who is interesting in Reporting? A: Council, ATD Management, Decision Makers, General Public

Q: What are they interested in? A: The money. How much collected, total offsets, similar to mitigation monies, data about reductions "ATD reduced SIF fees by $500k in 2021 for Smart Housing." A: Service Area information;

Q: Any performance metrics we need to plan around? A: None specifically that we can think of.

Plan Review Learning

Discovery w/ ATD Finance

Action Items Ask Carla for council transcripts. (Or PIO) .... Joe

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago


TracyLinder commented 2 years ago



Q: Can we limit each SIF fee to one service area?

Q: Do we apply the tech surcharge to SIF fees?

Next Agenda: Look at the SIF estimator worksheet

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Questions about PR

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago


We've determined charging on the PR won't work because one PR can cover multiple buildings.

Q: How are the permits created from the PR?

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago



TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Mon 12/27 Team Mtg



Project Timeline / Next Steps:

Action Items

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

12/30 Project Mtg


Q: Do we need to provide an approval/issuance type document after SIF is paid, other than the receipt?

Q: Will you provide customers with a final assessment document?

Q: Do all offsets have an expiration, or just the temporary offset?

Q: What values do we put in the Info 'Allocation Types'

Located in University Neighborhood Overlay? - We don't think we need to put this in the SIF folder anywhere. Let's ask Nate if we need to collect a y/n on this for reporting.

Q: Redevelopment Project - why is it on the SIF form?

New Story/Need: We WILL need to create a SIF folder for non-SIF applicable sites/developments.


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TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

1/3/21 Project Mtg


TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Do we need to capture the assessment date every time we update the assessment?

How will collected SIF fees be impacted by site corrections? Add more money? Refund some?

We want to talk about the folder expiration date again.


Gross SIF Assessment: The SIF amount prior to reductions Unrecognized Revenue: The SIF assessment amount after all reductions

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

ATD/DSD Mtg 1/6/21 - Discuss Where to Invoice SIF Fees


TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

1/10/21 Project Meeting


Notes Capturing SIF Assessments: Folder Info: # of Buildings System would insert a SIF Assessment process for each building (based on info) We track assessment interactions & data in the process tabs.

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

1/12/22 Intro with Priya

Reviews: Begin w/ bi-weekly for folder creation, then weekly afterwards.

Q: How long will this take? A: Priya will analyze the specs and give us an estimate. Specs aren't quite ready to look at .

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Specs Mtg - Tracy & Vish:

Charge on BP or SIF?

BP SIF Validation (Thoughts)

  1. User clicks 'Issue' button on BP
  2. BP asks 'Is SIF Required?' [goes to PR info 'SIF Required']
  3. If yes, BP asks 'Which SIF folder?' [goes to PR info 'SIF RSN']
  4. Next validate the SIF folder for payment [how?]
TracyLinder commented 2 years ago


ATD Tech Surcharge Yes or No? - No

Meeting With Parkland

Proposed BP SIF Validation Feedback:

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago



Can we move the building issuance validation to the PR, preventing the creation of BP if SIF hasn't been paid? A: We'd like to get feedback from commercial plan review on this. Maybe Tracy can reach out to Makenzie.

We need to talk about how the PR knows what is SIF eligible without asking a human.

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Quick convo w/ Makenzie (DSD)

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Vish & Tracy 1/19/21

Idea for info # of Buildings

Ideas for capturing SIF assessment specific data:

TBD Specs Sheet:

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Plan Review / SIF Eligibility Discovery 1/19

We will discuss the PR folder as it relates to SIF. 



GIS property attributes trigger AMANDA processes (like OSSF) in DSD's review folders. This triggers an OSSF review on the PR folder.

Q: What qualifies for a stand-alone trade permit?

Every project should be connected to a site plan or site correction (with few exceptions?) If not there would be a site plan exemption.

PR info field 'Is site plan or site plan exemption required?' -- If it says no, it doesn't mean a site plan/exemption doesn't exist.

AMANDA DA folder is used for site exemptions. We don't know if we want to attach SIF to site plan exemptions (more discussion needed). We think we won't review exemptions for SIF. For a shopping center it would need to add 3,000 sqf to trigger a SIF assessment. So we've decided we won't assess exemptions.

Q: Is SIF based on types of occupancy? ---- A: Probably, but we have to assess SIF based on identified processes even if we know a certain type of occupancy is unlikely to generate a SIF.

Idea to prevent BP creation if SIF is unpaid.

Q: How does the PR folder know how many buildings there are? --- A: Lots of ways...

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TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

1/20/22 Project Meeting


TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Q: Will you know how many buildings there are at time of site plan or final plat? A: For SP, yes. Final Plat, not sure.

Q: Do we need to capture land use at the building level (on the free-form tab?) Does the land use factor into the SIF cost?

It sounds like we'll need to track land use and intensity on the free form, in a 1 to 1 relationship. ie we can't combine land use in 1 field; need a field for each land use on the same row. Will need to discuss more at next meeting.

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Project Mtg 1/24/22


Don't use 'Preliminary Assessment' assessment anymore. Formal Assessment - All assessments provided before the final assessment. Final Assessment - The last assessment provided at time of invoice. It's final when it's used to generate an invoice.

SIF Folder Publicly Viewable - Yes Q: Anything about the SIF that we know we SHOULDN'T publish publicly.

Prelim Offset Review: Do we need it? NO

Process Deadlines

Process Assignments Formal assessments go to (IRL) will be done by the person conducting the site plan review. (ATD Engineering) Final assessments go to (IRL) will be done by the SIF tech. ATD SIF

SIF Website Updates:

@vschandramouli can you please ask Priya for an export of process group/disciplines?

vschandramouli commented 2 years ago

1/25/2022 -

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

1/26 Tracy & Vish

Start a SIF/AMANDA workflow on Miro:

  1. PM identifies SIF requirement, either during site plan, plat review (they are assigned via ATD Engineering Review)
    • Perhaps use a process info 'SIF Required?' and if Yes, system would create a child SIF folder when attempt is saved.
      1. System creates the SIF child folder; copy down the data we want from the parent folder (properties, people, any matching info fields that we can map). f.status = In Review
      2. The SIF Assessment process needs to show up on ATD Engineering
      3. User fills out the rest of the SIF folder
      4. User provides the customer w/ Formal Assessment (outside of AMANDA)
      5. User saves Formal Assessment attempt on SIF Assessment Process
      6. ATD will repeat steps 5 & 6 until the Final Assessment is due/ready
      7. Final Assessment time - ATD user adds & bills fee, adds fee data to free-form, sends invoice to customer, saves 'Final Assessment' attempt on SIF Assessment process

Plan Review Thoughts:

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Project Mtg 1/27/22


Land Use vs Transportation Land Use

Zoning Land Use Values:

Is the SIF Collection rate applied at site level or building? ---- Building. Do we want the SIF Collection Rate on the free-form? ---- No. We removed it.


TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Parkland Dedication Discovery Meeting on 1/25/22

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago


Transit Proximity

Finance needs on free-form

Q: Will TDS have to look at the PR folder somewhere before providing the final assessment/invoice? --- We're not sure right now.

Q: What could change between SP & PR that could change the SIF amount? --- A: Transportation Land Use, Site Intensity

Q for Nate: Should we add a new folder info to capture that for this SIF case, there have already been mitigations assessed

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

2/2/22 Tracy/Vish Work Sesh

Update from Vish


vschandramouli commented 2 years ago

2/4/2022 - Updated Excel SIF Specs sheet based on requirements document stored on Google Drive. Specs sheet should be complete for now unless Priya has questions.

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Mon 2/7/22

Will TDS have to look at the PR folder somewhere before providing the final assessment/invoice? --- We think yes. It has the site data we need. We need to validate land use assumptions. Verify that the site plan matches the building permit. Our purpose at this stage is to validate the information we've used on previous assessments.

We may need somebody in DSD Site corrections to be trained to identify when land use or intensity changes enough to trigger a SIF assessment.

Site Plan Corrections Currently: DAC knows what TDS cares about, and when they see it they assign TDS as a reviewer to the SPC. At some point the original SP is updated so we don't have to reference the SPC.

Communications & Accountability What's our communication plan? Who is answering questions for internal & external folks? Regular SIF meetings & monthly executive updates.

Action Items:

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

2/9/22 Core Team

Tracy & Vish, Priya out today

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Project Team Mtg 2/10/22

Coordinating w/ DSD for updates on their AMANDA folders:

The First Wave


TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

I have questions:

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago
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TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Core Team Meeting

Tracy, Vish, Priya


Update from Vish

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TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Project Team Mtg 2/17/22

Tracy's Random Questions Since Last Meeting

Zoning Land Use Info:

Action Items

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Project Mtg 2/2/22

DSD Update

SIF Invoicing

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

The First Wave

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

To Discuss:

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Core Team Meeting 2/23/22

Vish, Tracy

SIF Fee Workflow Convo:

Documenting tech requirements for non-SIF folders:

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Requirement Found in my notepad

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

Parkland Dedication Discovery Meeting Notes 1/25/22

TracyLinder commented 2 years ago

IT Project Meeting 2/24/22


Demo Notes

SIF Folder Automation #8549