Determination Worksheets, NTA, Compliance, Non-TIA can currently not be submitted directly through Knack
Describe the solution you have in mind.
Develop an electronic form for the TIA Determination worksheet (unsigned) for us to review and sign, through this form we should be able to record and track if a TIA is required or not. If a TIA is not required the case will be automatically closed, if a TIA, Compliance, NTA, Non-TIA is required it will open up a new portal that will walk the applicant through necessary requirements for each process.
How will we know that our solution is successful?
If applicants can successfully submit Determination Worksheets for review as well as TIA, NTA, Non-TIA, and Compliance Letters for TDS's review through Knack.
TDS staff
Development Services Division
Which Strategic Direction 2023 “Mobility” indicators would this new application impact?
['System efficiency and congestion', 'Transportation cost', 'Accessibility to and equity of multi-modal transportation choices', 'Safety', 'Condition of transportation-related infrastructure']
Which Austin Strategic Mobility Plan goals would this new application support?
['Travel Choice — Promote a balanced transportation network and the ability to make informed choices based on personal needs and preferences.', 'Affordability — Lower the cost of traveling in Austin by providing affordable travel options.', 'Sustainability — Promote integrated designs and quality additions to the built environment while reducing impacts and promoting efficient use of public resources.', 'Placemaking — Build a transportation network that encourages social interaction through quality urban design, and connects users to the many places that make Austin unique.', 'Economic Prosperity — Promote economic growth for individuals and the city through strategic investments in transportation networks that meet the needs of the 21st century.', 'Innovation — Draw inspiration from forward-looking cities around the world, change the way we think about what’s possible, and set an example for the rest of the country.']
Describe any workarounds you currently have in place or alternative solutions you've considered.
Submitting Compliance Letters as Scopes until this request is met.
Is there anything else we should know?
As soon as possible.
How have other divisions/departments/cities addressed similar challenges?
Joan Minyard
Other / Not Sure
Determination Worksheets, NTA, Compliance, Non-TIA can currently not be submitted directly through Knack
Develop an electronic form for the TIA Determination worksheet (unsigned) for us to review and sign, through this form we should be able to record and track if a TIA is required or not. If a TIA is not required the case will be automatically closed, if a TIA, Compliance, NTA, Non-TIA is required it will open up a new portal that will walk the applicant through necessary requirements for each process.
If applicants can successfully submit Determination Worksheets for review as well as TIA, NTA, Non-TIA, and Compliance Letters for TDS's review through Knack.
TDS staff
Development Services Division
['System efficiency and congestion', 'Transportation cost', 'Accessibility to and equity of multi-modal transportation choices', 'Safety', 'Condition of transportation-related infrastructure']
['Travel Choice — Promote a balanced transportation network and the ability to make informed choices based on personal needs and preferences.', 'Affordability — Lower the cost of traveling in Austin by providing affordable travel options.', 'Sustainability — Promote integrated designs and quality additions to the built environment while reducing impacts and promoting efficient use of public resources.', 'Placemaking — Build a transportation network that encourages social interaction through quality urban design, and connects users to the many places that make Austin unique.', 'Economic Prosperity — Promote economic growth for individuals and the city through strategic investments in transportation networks that meet the needs of the 21st century.', 'Innovation — Draw inspiration from forward-looking cities around the world, change the way we think about what’s possible, and set an example for the rest of the country.']
Submitting Compliance Letters as Scopes until this request is met.
As soon as possible.
Attachment (1.39mb)
Request ID: DTS21-103090