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Re-associate engineer areas with turned on assets. #8022

Closed atdservicebot closed 2 years ago

atdservicebot commented 2 years ago

What application are you using?

Data Tracker

Describe the problem.

Engineer Areas are officially switching Jan 1 22. The attached table has the areas associated with TURNED ON assets. Can we please re-associate these so they are correctly updated on data tracker? Thanks!

How soon do you need this?

Flexible — An extended timeline is OK

Is there anything else we should know?

Jan 10 22 - because this is when the change will be official.

Requested By Brian G.

Attachment (1.28mb)

Request ID: DTS21-103200

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

@amenity let me know when we want to schedule this

amenity commented 2 years ago

@dianamartin - I'd say next sprint, if they're shooting for a Jan start?

johnclary commented 2 years ago

Brian's spreadsheet has columns for system, primary corridor, secondary corridor, and the signal engineer area. Do all column need to be imported, or just the engineer areas?

@jaime-mckeown do you happen to know if the signal engineer areas on maint/AGOL have been updated to match these changes?

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

I believe it's just the Engineer Areas. I could've sworn he asked for a GIS map update, but I could be wrong, @jaime-mckeown let us know! :)

jaime-mckeown commented 2 years ago

@johnclary, @dianamartin is correct. Only the engineer area and engineer are currently on the layer. Will the boundaries be changing with this update as well?

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

@jaime-mckeown it looks like it, if you open the attachment there are tabs that look like boundaries. You might want to reach out to Brian G. to ask

jaime-mckeown commented 2 years ago

Those are terrible maps. I will check with Brian to see if there are any changes. Thanks!

jaime-mckeown commented 2 years ago

The signal engineer area boundaries have changed drastically from what is in MAINT/GISDM. I emailed Brian to get detailed information so the GIS data can also be modified to match the new boundaries. I will create a new Issue for this update and mention this Issue.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

cc: @jaime-mckeown

Sync'd with Brian 1/4 and refreshed what he wanted to have done in the system.

The signal details pages show a "Signal Engineer Area" that is from the old breakdown. Brian would like us to update the signal information with the new areas. Jaime will update the GIS signal area map to be in line with the boundaries that Brian has. He said it might not fall in line with a roadway.

We will probably have to share the AMD Signal Engineer Areas to 311 team so they can make sure the CSRs are coming back with the update engineer areas.

jaime-mckeown commented 2 years ago

Thank you @dianamartin. Since he doesn't have actual boundaries I will need to try and create them based on the new area for each signal. I will try and work on the update this week.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

You can join his spreadsheet to the signal assets and symbolize by the new areas and you'll get a better idea of the new boundaries you can make.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago


@johnclary is this cool to do or should I wait til you get back into town?

jaime-mckeown commented 2 years ago

@dianamartin @johnclary I have the Signal Engineer Areas GIS data updated and ready to be published to production. Can I update now or do I need to wait until you are ready? Thanks

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

@jaime-mckeown Did you just override the old layer or create a brand new layer? and is the Signal Engineer Area choices Proper case or All Caps?

We need it in "All Caps" if it's not already configured that way since Data Tracker's existing value are All Caps. Once that's confirmed you can publish to production. Can you please let us know the layer name when you're done. Thanks!

jaime-mckeown commented 2 years ago

@dianamartin as requested a couple weeks ago I created an archive of the current layer in a FGDB, but I can keep an archive in MAINT as well.

At this point I have not modified the main layer in MAINT, but have a copy that's ready to be integrated. I will just overwrite the features in the main MAINT layer, therefore the fields will not change. The SIGNAL_ENG_AREA field holds the areas, which are all in caps (CENTRAL, NORTHEAST, NORTHWEST, SOUTHEAST, SOUTHWEST).

The layer in GISDM is TRANSPORTATION.signal_engineer_areas, same as before.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

@jaime-mckeown That sounds good to keep a copy in MAINT for back-up purposes. Reason why I'm asking all these questions is because John has a script and we were confirming if any changes might break it. Everything you said seems like it won't break it and ready for publication to PROD, so go for it! 👍🏽

jaime-mckeown commented 2 years ago

@dianamartin the script should continue to work the same as I am only changing the geometry on an existing layer, nothing else.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

Testing Import on 5 locations

Production Import


Confirmed all records have updated based on the spot check

Emailed stakeholder - 1/10

I’ve imported the new signal engineer area assignments on the Signals table. I used the list of signals as my benchmarks and spot checked them. You’ll find that all the signals were updated but the following signals where the bench marked ones. • 483: Metric/Kramer - NORTHWEST -> NORTHEAST • 559: Airport/Wilshire - NORTHEAST -> SOUTHEAST • 579: 45th/Bull Creek - CENTRAL -> NORTHWEST • 778: Slaughter/Congress - SOUTHWEST -> SOUTHEAST • 337: Riverside/Faro - SOUTHWEST -> SOUTHEAST Let me know if there is anything else you need to modify.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

User replied - 1/10

Awesome! I love it!

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

Jaime and I sync'd on 1/10 and she told me that there were some area discrepancies she found while cleaning up the data.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

Sync'd with Brian - 1/19

Should be in Central

Should be in Southeast

Should be Northeast

Confirmed with John that I had to update the "Modified Date" on the signals object, I updated it also on the location object. Will check the GIS Map again tomorrow, 1/20.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

Checked on 1/19 and on 1/20 to see if the map layer for Traffic Signals and Pedestrian Signals was showing the correct "Signal Engineer Areas". They seemed to be if you filter for the "Signal Status" - TURNED_ON. image