Would you be able to help with exporting Nearmap aerials from ArcGIS Pro for use in MicroStation, or would that be a question for Istvans group?
I’ve checked with the rest of the ATSD team but there does not seem to be anyone that knows how to access nearmap with the new ArcGIS Pro. I found that the new nearmap web interface has an export feature that exports aerials that work in MicroStation, however there is a considerable loss of quality even using the highest setting in the export options. Ideally the aerials could be exported at full quality as they were with the previous version of ArcMap, where they were access as an AGOL service.
Sent Jesse the Working in Pro documentation as it has instructions for adding Nearmap to Pro
Sent him instructions for how to Export Raster data from Nearmap (right click Nearmap in TOC, data, export Raster, tool opens for exporting the raster data)
Waiting to hear back if this is what he was looking for
From Jesse: